Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai When I do the import like this: import { getSessionData } from 'wasp/client/operations' I get this error: Error [ERR_UNSUPPORTED_DIR_IMPORT]: Directory import '/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/dist/client/operations/actions' is not supported resolving ES modules imported from /Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/dist/client/operations/index.js
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai No I have the function in queries.js and I have it in my main.wasp like this: query getSessionData { fn: import { getSessionData } from "@src/queries.js", } How do I now import this into hooks.js
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai I have a function in queries.js called getSessionData how can I import this into my hooks.js
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai What are the different types for the additional signup fields and where can I see these types in the codebase. For example, there's type input.
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai Ok now that I added the terms of service to the addtional signup fields how do I add the terms of service as a check box to this : export function CreateAccount() { return ( <Layout> <SignupForm additionalFields={[ { name: 'firstName', label: 'First Name', type: 'input', validations: { required: 'First name is required', }, }, { name: 'lastName', label: 'Last Name', type: 'input', validations: { required: 'Last name is required', }, }, { name: 'address', label: 'Address', type: 'input', validations: { required: 'Address is required', }, }, { name: 'phoneNumber', label: 'Phone Number', type: 'input', validations: { required: 'Phone number is required', }, } ]} /> </Layout> ) } Where checked means true and unchecked means false for the database and the user can't proceed without terms of service checked
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai Should I add the terms of service as a boolean to my signup.js where my additional signup fields are and then take it from there? Because that's how it is in my user mode.
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai Ok I got it the email thing to work by adding email to the additional signup fields. Now my next issue is that I want there to be a terms of service check box. But this isn't some field to input I need there to be a check box. Can I also add this to additional signup fields? and if so how?
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai I'm still getting this error: PrismaClientValidationError: [ Server!] Invalid prisma.user.create() invocation in [ Server!] /Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/auth/utils.ts:145:22 Argument email for data.email is missing. [ Server!] [ Server!] Note: Lines with + are required, lines with ? are optional. [ Server!] [ Server!] at Ui.validate (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:148:73) [ Server!] at gn.createMessage (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:164:1298) [ Server!] at /Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:177:11600 [ Server!] at Object.runInChildSpan (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:1394) [ Server!] at t._executeRequest (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:177:11577) [ Server!] at signup (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/.wasp/out/server/src/auth/providers/email/signup.ts:122:20) [ Server!] at <anonymous> (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/server/utils.ts:26:5) { [ Server!] clientVersion: '4.16.2' [ Server!] }
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai Should I add email to the User model in schema.prisma because I have it added right now and that might be the issue
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai I did the things you said and now I'm getting this error: PrismaClientValidationError: [ Server!] Invalid prisma.user.create() invocation in [ Server!] /Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/auth/utils.ts:145:22 Argument email for data.email is missing. [ Server!] [ Server!] Note: Lines with + are required, lines with ? are optional. [ Server!] [ Server!] at Ui.validate (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:148:73) [ Server!] at gn.createMessage (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:164:1298) [ Server!] at /Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:177:11600 [ Server!] at Object.runInChildSpan (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:174:1394) [ Server!] at t._executeRequest (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/node_modules/@prisma/client/runtime/library.js:177:11577) [ Server!] at signup (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/.wasp/out/server/src/auth/providers/email/signup.ts:122:20) [ Server!] at <anonymous> (/Users/rithvikprakki/helios_nexus_website/.wasp/out/sdk/wasp/server/utils.ts:26:5) { [ Server!] clientVersion: '4.16.2' [ Server!] }
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai No wait. I put this: userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/pages/signup", in my main.wasp and I have this in my src/pages/singup.js: import { defineUserSignupFields } from 'wasp/server/auth' export const userSignupFields = defineUserSignupFields({ address: (data) => { if (!data.address) { throw new Error('Address is required') } return data.address }, phoneNumber: (data) => { if (!data.address) { throw new Error('Address is required') } return data.address }, firstName: (data) => { if (!data.address) { throw new Error('Address is required') } return data.address }, lastName: (data) => { if (!data.address) { throw new Error('Address is required') } return data.address } }) I have this component here: import { LoginForm, SignupForm, VerifyEmailForm, ForgotPasswordForm, ResetPasswordForm, } from 'wasp/client/auth' export function CreateAccount() { return ( <Layout> <SignupForm /> </Layout> ); } However, when I go to the signup page on my website only two fields are visible instead of all of them. Why is that happening?
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/15/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Replacing Wasp's Auth UI, while keeping the functionality
@kapa.ai Ok So I put in my main.wasp that there are additional form fields: ` auth: { userEntity: User, methods: { email: { userSignupFields: import { userSignupFields } from "@src/pages/signup", fromField: { name: "Helios Nexus", email: "prakki.rithvik@gmail.com" }, emailVerification: { clientRoute: EmailVerificationRoute, }, passwordReset: { clientRoute: PasswordResetRoute, } }, }, onAuthFailedRedirectTo: "/login", onAuthSucceededRedirectTo: "/" },
67 replies
Created by RPD on 9/9/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
My website isn't showing up when I run wasp start
Thanks for all the help I figured it out it was just an issue in the code that only showed up in the console
8 replies