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Created by CamBlackwood on 1/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Is this an invalid action? Getting a 500 when calling, no error logs
@matijash for the original bug - I'm not 100% sure to be honest. It may have been a ts compilation issue - once I removed the conflicting where statement it started working
8 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 1/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Is this an invalid action? Getting a 500 when calling, no error logs
I've solved it - for future reference, I misunderstood an error message so was trying to identify by two different where arguments. I'm not sure what caused the original issue, but it's sorted now
8 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 1/10/2025 in #🙋questions
UseQueries Support unavailable - best way around it?
Hey @miho - I basically just tried to import the useQueries the same way I do with use query (from wasp operations) - in the end I just used a custom operation to return what I needed as an array which was more efficient - if that hadn’t worked I’d have used it from tanstack query directly, wasn’t sure if I was able to do that or not in combination with wasp until your above message 🙂
12 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 1/10/2025 in #🙋questions
UseQueries Support unavailable - best way around it? so my issue is that I want to get the most recent message from an array of chat ids, so it's a variable number of queries
12 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 1/3/2025 in #🙋questions
Relation returned on findFirst but not findMany? I restarted wasp and it worked 😂 Thank you for your help as always my robot friend
14 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 1/3/2025 in #🙋questions
Relation returned on findFirst but not findMany? here's the schema
model Creators {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
userId Int @unique
name String
tiktok Boolean
twitter Boolean
instagram Boolean
youtube Boolean
tiktokUsername String?
instagramUsername String?
youtubeUsername String?
niche String @default("Technology")
country String @default("United States")
tiktokFollowers Int @default(0)
twitterFollowers Int @default(0)
instagramFollowers Int @default(0)
youtubeFollowers Int @default(0)
profileSlug String?
profile CreatorProfile?
verified Boolean @default(false)
verificationSubmitted Boolean @default(false)
stats VerifiedCreatorTikTokStats?
youtubeStats VerifiedCreatorYouTubeStats?

model CreatorProfile {
id String @id @default(uuid())
profilePicUrl String
creatorId Int @unique
bio String?

creator Creators @relation(fields: [creatorId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
model Creators {
id Int @id @default(autoincrement())
userId Int @unique
name String
tiktok Boolean
twitter Boolean
instagram Boolean
youtube Boolean
tiktokUsername String?
instagramUsername String?
youtubeUsername String?
niche String @default("Technology")
country String @default("United States")
tiktokFollowers Int @default(0)
twitterFollowers Int @default(0)
instagramFollowers Int @default(0)
youtubeFollowers Int @default(0)
profileSlug String?
profile CreatorProfile?
verified Boolean @default(false)
verificationSubmitted Boolean @default(false)
stats VerifiedCreatorTikTokStats?
youtubeStats VerifiedCreatorYouTubeStats?

model CreatorProfile {
id String @id @default(uuid())
profilePicUrl String
creatorId Int @unique
bio String?

creator Creators @relation(fields: [creatorId], references: [id], onDelete: Cascade)
14 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/13/2024 in #🙋questions
Can't access auth methods?
Ahh I see, thanks @miho I think that’s probably what it is - I don’t have any oauth enabled at all. I’ll do that now 🙂
9 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
Thanks Miho, I'll give this a look
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
Just to update - I’ve given it a bit of a crack so far; unfortunately TikTok is not supported by arctic so I’m going to try and work around it, I don’t see why it isn’t possible
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
that looks perfect, thanks so much 🙏
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
@martinsos just reading this back again- does that mean I need to reinvoke wasp auth? cc @miho
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
Yes exactly 🙂
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
or can I skip webhook?
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
so the flow is, they've already signed up, but they must verify that they are the owner of an account. So my thinking atm is Client => Action => Webhook => Res => Redirect to success page. How does that sound?
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
exactly yeah 🙂
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
They’ll already be signed up
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
Hey @martinsos 🙂 so the idea is that I want them to connect it when they are already signed up to validate that they are the account they claim to be, to prevent fraud
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/10/2024 in #🙋questions
Best way of handling custom oauth call Frontend to Backend?
thanks - so I need to call the action from the frontend, which in turn will call the api?
29 replies
Created by CamBlackwood on 12/9/2024 in #🙋questions
Safest way to add a new required property to a schema model in a production project?
@martinsos makes sense - if I create it as madatory, would it populate all users with an empty list?
9 replies