Created by Red_Demon on 2/11/2025 in #🙋questions
Migration from 0.15 to 0.16 - Invalid value for the "compilerOptions.outDir" field in tsconfig.js
Oh yeah, I see it. You're right, apologies. Hmm, if you're not willing to share a project, can you try to create a minimal reproduction and send that to me?
36 replies
Created by vance_solar on 2/22/2025 in #🙋questions
Custom Aliases don't work after migrating from 0.15 to 0.16
which is what it also does for wasp and wasp-config, AFAIK?
Yes, you are right!
but I literally just spent the last couple days extracting the shared components from the existing directory in Wasp 🥲
A classic if there ever was one 😄
Thanks for this, it's been very helpful! 🙏🏾
You're very welcome!
22 replies
Created by Red_Demon on 2/11/2025 in #🙋questions
Migration from 0.15 to 0.16 - Invalid value for the "compilerOptions.outDir" field in tsconfig.js
Did you try skipLibCheck i mentioned above?
36 replies
Created by vance_solar on 2/22/2025 in #🙋questions
Custom Aliases don't work after migrating from 0.15 to 0.16
Well, one idea is putting your documents under web/app/src. That way, Wasp will always be able to access it with relative imports, and Next can use aliases that point to outside its project (since it supports that). Another idea is using hardlinks or symbolic links, but this is always hacky to get working depending on the OS (and version control), but I could probably help you out. @genyus I'm not sure whether this is your setup as well, I'm basing my suggestion on what @vance_solar wrote. @genyus For your setup, I think your solution is probably best
22 replies
Created by vance_solar on 2/22/2025 in #🙋questions
Custom Aliases don't work after migrating from 0.15 to 0.16
But nice trick, @vance_solar you might find it useful
22 replies
Created by vance_solar on 2/22/2025 in #🙋questions
Custom Aliases don't work after migrating from 0.15 to 0.16
Hey @genyus, this looks like it's going to break when you move your files. Just a heads up if you didn't know. Another heads up, it's going to work only for client files
22 replies
Created by vance_solar on 2/22/2025 in #🙋questions
Custom Aliases don't work after migrating from 0.15 to 0.16
any ETA on when you think this will be supported?
We'll be doing some planning in the next week or two, so I'll get back to you as soon as we decide. But thanks for the feedback, this will definitely help prioritize it. I've added this message to my "folluw up" list. So, rest assured, I will update you as soon as I know more. As for the other question, I don't think the lack of aliases is causing that. You should still able to import them using full relative paths, but then I don't think that would work with Wasp (I'm 70% sure you can't import stuff from outside src). That said, I think I can solve this problem for you, can I just ask you share how your folder structure looks like? The tree command can be useful here, in case don't know about it 🙂
22 replies
Created by vance_solar on 2/22/2025 in #🙋questions
Custom Aliases don't work after migrating from 0.15 to 0.16
Thanks for tolerating this btw! I know how annoying it is to work without aliases
22 replies
Created by vance_solar on 2/22/2025 in #🙋questions
Custom Aliases don't work after migrating from 0.15 to 0.16
Hey @vance_solar Unfortunately, 0.16.0 still doesn't work with Path aliases. We thought we got them working, but it turn out it's a larger can of worms than we expected. The reason it works in your IDE is because TypeScript recognizes it. The problem lies with other pieces of tooling (rollup, Vite, etc.) that don't still don't know about them. I've tried to get it working but hit a wall. We still hope to have them out soon, you can follow this issue for details:
22 replies
Created by Red_Demon on 2/11/2025 in #🙋questions
Migration from 0.15 to 0.16 - Invalid value for the "compilerOptions.outDir" field in tsconfig.js
Hey @Red_Demon, thanks for the patience, forgot again... crazy week. My intuition tells me this should be solved by adding a skipLibCheck to tsconfig.json. But if you updated to the newest template, you should already have that. Do you mind sharing the zip of your project?
36 replies
Created by isaiah on 2/19/2025 in #🙋questions
main.wasp.ts related
I'll check it out in a day or two, since it doesn't seem urgent @isaiah sorry for the troubles!
19 replies
Created by Red_Demon on 2/11/2025 in #🙋questions
Migration from 0.15 to 0.16 - Invalid value for the "compilerOptions.outDir" field in tsconfig.js
Apologies @Red_Demon I was swamped with other stuff and this slipped my mind. I'll get to it tomorrow unless @miho figures out what's going on immediattely from the messages.
36 replies
Created by mm on 2/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Error when I installed puppeteer and turndown
@Vinny (@Wasp) One for you here, did I get it right?
30 replies
Created by mm on 2/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Error when I installed puppeteer and turndown
Nice work spotting this, it's a mistake on our part (since some of these utils end up being used on the frontend, but the file's name server/utils implies otherwise)
30 replies
Created by mm on 2/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Error when I installed puppeteer and turndown
Yes, that's definitely the problem 🙂
30 replies
Created by mm on 2/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Error when I installed puppeteer and turndown
Hm, seems like you're imporint puppeteer into payment/plans, which are used in client components. I think that's the proble
30 replies
Created by SilveR on 2/16/2025 in #🙋questions
SDK Build failing even after setting up DB commands
Hey @SilveR, I think you're doing something wrong 😅 You shouldn't be installing tsc of any kind globally to work with Wasp, nor putting it in your .zshrc. Wasp will install its own tsc in the project's node_modules
24 replies
Created by mm on 2/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Error when I installed puppeteer and turndown
Ok, perfect, if you could create a minimal reproduction, that's even better! 😄
30 replies
Created by mm on 2/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Error when I installed puppeteer and turndown
Do you mind sharing the project so I can dig in?
30 replies
Created by mm on 2/13/2025 in #🙋questions
Error when I installed puppeteer and turndown
Yes, but it seems you're importing it on the client somehow
30 replies