✅ What is the free alternative to jet brains resharper ?
I totally agree with this. If we use resharper in vs, It is taking time to load everything and I feel the slowness. I spoke to one of the dev here and he suggested something to me but I missed it. He's from Canada, currently lives in the Philippines and suggested to me an extension that works better.
32 replies
Have a data set with 2 extra Boolean properties for isSubmitted or isRejected and whenever it's checked then send back updated data to server. Server side you have to parse that updated data and update your tables accordingly. Even u can use based on these Boolean properties u can send emails as well.
8 replies
What is the simplest way to safely manage client backend calls and sensitive data in Razor Pages?
If I understand correctly, you wanted to secure the data being transferred over the rest API calls? It is the same as how a password or any forms are being posted to the server. Encode or encrypt the request body. U can have custom headers for IDs and pass them if you don't want them to be part of the URL. But I'm not sure whether it deviates the rest design
5 replies