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Created by wilsonlewis on 12/11/2024 in #help
Deploy -- Reverse proxy getting "close_notify" error
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1 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 11/5/2024 in #help
VSCode not tracking references
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4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by wilsonlewis on 9/16/2024 in #help
DrizzleKit "tablesFilter" not working as expected
Hello! I am trying to use the "tablesFilter" feature in DrizzleKit, but I may be misunderstanding how it works? When I run "drizzle-kit push" with the following configuration it still tries to drop and/or reconcile tables that do not have the defined prefixes. I thought that it would create a sandbox in which it would not try to touch anything that does not match the filter? Am I doing it wrong?
import { defineConfig } from 'drizzle-kit'
import { dbUrl } from './src/db-url'

export default defineConfig({
dbCredentials: { url: dbUrl },
dialect: 'postgresql',
schema: './src/tables/*',
out: './src/migrations',
tablesFilter: ['media_service_*'],
import { defineConfig } from 'drizzle-kit'
import { dbUrl } from './src/db-url'

export default defineConfig({
dbCredentials: { url: dbUrl },
dialect: 'postgresql',
schema: './src/tables/*',
out: './src/migrations',
tablesFilter: ['media_service_*'],
2 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 9/9/2024 in #help
Workspace member parallel processes (monorepo)
In the Node based monorepo tools I have used, when you run a "task" at the root of the workspace, it will run that same "task" in each workspace in parallel For example, I can run "deno task dev" at the root of the repository and it will run "dev" in each workspace member as a way to spin up each of the services I am working on in one command Is this something that is built into Deno Workspace?
4 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 1/18/2024 in #help
Deno + Vite + React + VSCode
Could someone help me setup VSCode so that it recognizes React JSX without red squiggles? Also, is it possible to setup type reference for image imports from vite? I have been at this for a couple days and still can't figure it out...
3 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 1/16/2024 in #help
KV read count
Do kv.list and kv.getAll count as a read for each value or a single read for the operation?
4 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 1/16/2024 in #help
KV watch initial value
Does KV watch always trigger an initial read of the current value? Is there a way to only watch for changes without the initial read?
2 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 1/15/2024 in #help
EventSource vs Multiplex webook
I am setting up an system that needs realtime updates for potentially 100+ different resources on a page. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with how Deno Deploy handles EventSource connections So, based on Deploy infrastructure, would it be advisable to use 1-1 EventSource for each resource? Or, should I have a single Websocket connection that multiplexes all the resources? Thanks!
2 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 1/2/2024 in #support
Help with Transitions (solid-transition-group)
Can someone help me debug why this is not animating?
import { createSignal, Show } from 'solid-js'
import { Transition } from 'solid-transition-group'

export default function () {
const [index, setIndex] = createSignal(1)
return (
<button onClick={[setIndex, index() + 1]}>Increment</button>
enterActiveClass='transition-opacity duration-100'
exitActiveClass='transition-opacity duration-100'
<Show when={index() % 3 !== 0}>
<div>Hello: {index()}</div>
import { createSignal, Show } from 'solid-js'
import { Transition } from 'solid-transition-group'

export default function () {
const [index, setIndex] = createSignal(1)
return (
<button onClick={[setIndex, index() + 1]}>Increment</button>
enterActiveClass='transition-opacity duration-100'
exitActiveClass='transition-opacity duration-100'
<Show when={index() % 3 !== 0}>
<div>Hello: {index()}</div>
3 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 12/15/2023 in #help
Manual deployment promotion + long lived preview deployments
Hello! I am working on a deployment pipeline and have a few questions: 1. Is there a way to promote preview deployments to production from a github actions? - I would like to deploy a preview deployment, run my own smoke tests and then promote to production 2. How long do preview deployments last? - Is there a scenario where one project needs to reference an older version of a different project? - This is in an effort to combat api drift. I would like one projects to target a specific version of a different project Thanks!
3 replies
Created by wilsonlewis on 12/13/2023 in #help
VSCode + Deno + Vite + Typescript
Just setup a project with create-vite-extra but all the starter files are full of typescript errors -- including all jsx. I did some research but can't find any clear answers. How can I get all these tools to play nicely?
2 replies