Yazılım Panteri
Yazılım Panteri
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/28/2025 in #❓・help
nuxt-vuefire http://localhost:3000/api/__session 401 (Unauthorized) on production
it didn't help too much
12 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/28/2025 in #❓・help
nuxt-vuefire http://localhost:3000/api/__session 401 (Unauthorized) on production
@kapa.ai i'm sure i have correctly set env variables. as i said app works fine on development mode. problems start after i build project. also there is FirebaseError: Firebase: Error (auth/login-blocked) error when i try to login
12 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
thanks for your help guys. i opened an issue for vuefire. if you want to add something here is the issue https://github.com/vuejs/vuefire/issues/1599#issuecomment-2614328432
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
npm install [email protected] --save-exact and this works too
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
as you can see answers not helping too much
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
i don't know. there is too much discussions about these type of errors https://www.reddit.com/r/Nuxt/comments/14b191s/vuefire_cannot_find_module_websocketapi/
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
I really wonder if I did something really dumb so you can try cloning the above repo
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
before you say it, yes i added service-accounts.json file too
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
i've tried changing node environment, firebase project or different versions of vuefire, nuxt and firebase to see if there's compatibility issue between these but still same error message
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
I also tried adding these
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
i've already tried. it doesnt work too
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 1/26/2025 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 Firebase error on SSR
@kapa.ai it's just happens when i create fresh nuxt project and add nuxt-vuefire module. i've tried to change node version or module version.
28 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 11/28/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 GSAP custom page transitions
@kapa.ai CustomLoader.vue <template> <div class="indicator fixed top-0 left-0" :style="{ pointerEvents: 'none', width: '100%', height: ${props.height}px, opacity: isLoading ? 1 : 0, background: error ? props.errorColor : props.color || undefined, backgroundSize: '100% auto', // Always full size transform: scaleX(${Math.max(progress, 10)}%), // Ensure minimum width transformOrigin: 'left', transition: 'transform 0.1s, height 0.4s, opacity 0.4s', zIndex: 999999 }"></div> <div id="transitionLayer" class="fixed left-0 w-full bg-black z-[10000] flex flex-col items-center justify-start h-0 bottom-0 overflow-hidden" ref="transitionLayer"></div> </template> <script setup> import { ref, watch, onMounted } from 'vue'; import { useRouter } from 'vue-router'; import gsap from 'gsap'; // Props const props = defineProps({ throttle: { type: Number, default: 200 }, duration: { type: Number, default: 2000 }, height: { type: Number, default: 3 // Adjust height for thicker loader }, color: { type: String, default: 'repeating-linear-gradient(to right,#00dc82 0%,#34cdfe 50%,#0047e1 100%)' }, errorColor: { type: String, default: 'repeating-linear-gradient(to right,#f87171 0%,#ef4444 100%)' }, estimatedProgress: { type: Function, default: (duration, elapsed) => (2 / Math.PI) * 100 * Math.atan(((elapsed / duration) * 100) / 50) } }); // Refs const transitionLayer = ref(null); const animationComplete = ref(false); // Tracks animation state // Loading Indicator const { progress, isLoading, error, start, finish, clear } = useLoadingIndicator({ duration: props.duration, throttle: props.throttle, estimatedProgress: props.estimatedProgress }); // Router instance const router = useRouter(); // Watch for loading state watch(progress, newVal => { if (newVal === 100) { startAnimation(); } }); // Start Animation function startAnimation() { gsap.set(transitionLayer.value, { height: 0, top: 'auto', bottom: 0 }); gsap.to(transitionLayer.value, { height: '100%', duration: 1, ease: 'power2.out', onComplete: () => { finishAnimation(); } }); } // Finish Animation function finishAnimation() { const appContainer = document.getElementById('app'); const navbar = document.getElementById('navbar'); const tl = gsap.timeline({ onComplete: () => { // Remove GSAP-applied styles gsap.set(appContainer, { clearProps: 'all' }); } }); animationComplete.value = false; gsap.set(transitionLayer.value, { height: '100%', top: 0, bottom: 'auto' }); tl.to(transitionLayer.value, { height: 0, top: '-100%', duration: 1, ease: 'power2.out' }); tl.fromTo( appContainer, { yPercent: 100 }, { yPercent: 0, duration: 0.8, ease: 'power2.out' }, '<+=0.1' ); tl.play(); } // Mount hook to ensure transition layer is set up onMounted(() => { animationComplete.value = false; }); </script> <style scoped> #transitionLayer { will-change: height; } .counter-enter-active, .counter-leave-active { transition: all 0.15s ease-out; } .counter-leave-active { position: absolute; } .counter-enter-from { transform: translateY(-300%); } .counter-enter-to { transform: translateY(0%); } .counter-leave-from { transform: translateY(0%); } .counter-leave-to { transform: translateY(300%); } </style> app.vue <template> <CustomLoader></CustomLoader> <NuxtLayout> <NuxtPage></NuxtPage> </NuxtLayout> </template> <script setup></script> i want to make a custom page loader. new page should mount after finishAnimation starts. important point is new page should continue to it's loading progress. just not affect visually until animation complete
15 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 11/28/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt 3 GSAP custom page transitions
@kapa.ai /middleware/loading.global.js
// middleware/transition.js

import gsap from 'gsap';

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, from, next) => {
const app = useNuxtApp();
if (!document) {

// Access the transition layer
const transitionLayer = document.getElementById('transitionLayer');

// Start the page loading and trigger transition animation
app.hook('page:loading:start', () => {
console.log('Loading started');
// Trigger GSAP animation to show the transition layer
gsap.set(transitionLayer, { height: 0, top: 'auto', bottom: 0 });
gsap.to(transitionLayer, {
height: '100%',
duration: 1,
ease: 'power2.out'

// End the page loading and trigger transition animation for the exit
app.hook('page:finish', () => {
console.log('Loading ended');
// Trigger GSAP animation to hide the transition layer after loading
gsap.to(transitionLayer, {
height: 0,
duration: 0.5,
ease: 'power2.inOut',
onComplete: () => {
// Ensure the transition layer is reset after the animation
gsap.set(transitionLayer, { top: 'auto', bottom: 0 });
// middleware/transition.js

import gsap from 'gsap';

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware(async (to, from, next) => {
const app = useNuxtApp();
if (!document) {

// Access the transition layer
const transitionLayer = document.getElementById('transitionLayer');

// Start the page loading and trigger transition animation
app.hook('page:loading:start', () => {
console.log('Loading started');
// Trigger GSAP animation to show the transition layer
gsap.set(transitionLayer, { height: 0, top: 'auto', bottom: 0 });
gsap.to(transitionLayer, {
height: '100%',
duration: 1,
ease: 'power2.out'

// End the page loading and trigger transition animation for the exit
app.hook('page:finish', () => {
console.log('Loading ended');
// Trigger GSAP animation to hide the transition layer after loading
gsap.to(transitionLayer, {
height: 0,
duration: 0.5,
ease: 'power2.inOut',
onComplete: () => {
// Ensure the transition layer is reset after the animation
gsap.set(transitionLayer, { top: 'auto', bottom: 0 });
i'm using nested pages sometimes and page:finish hook called multiple times when that happen. for exapmle i have pages/profile.vue and also have pages/profile/[name]/index.vue. is there any prevent or fix to call page:finish hook multiple times for same request?
15 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 10/8/2024 in #❓・help
Need help for component library with vue 3
thanks. i will send when it done. now i need some really experienced dev to determine core principles about this project. i'm still working on it
4 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 10/8/2024 in #❓・help
Need help for component library with vue 3
Hello guys! I need some advices and help about my Project. I'm currently working on a aceternity ui and shadcn ui like component library for vue and nuxt 3. I have prepared some examples and skeleton about it but i feel something is missing but i don't know how to fix it. I'm not a 10 year experienced guy worked on a Google or apple so i need some guidance. Here is a demo version of the Project https://nuxt3-component-library.pages.dev/docs/components/3d-card And of course github repo https://github.com/safakdinc/nuxt3-component-library If you are interested, feel free to contact via dm. Important reminder! Since this is an independent project, I cannot give you earnings references or promises of success. we'll wait and see what happens
4 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 6/18/2024 in #❓・help
index.html cannot load js files when i generate page with nuxi generate
it works. Thaks
8 replies
Created by Yazılım Panteri on 6/18/2024 in #❓・help
index.html cannot load js files when i generate page with nuxi generate
i'm new to deployment work. how can I make the changes you mentioned?
8 replies