database postgres failed
I am presenting a bug with the V2 database in this case postgres, I have several projects deployed where I use the version before the update of BD and one with the new one, it turns out that the new one at the moment of receiving a SQL instruction of update updates all the records of the table example: UPDATE "public". "policies" SET "statusId" = '7ef54070-08d2-4928-b280-0fb5dc861ed7' WHERE "policyId" = '0000313f-fdd1-4449-b8df-fad8843a312d'; it updates all the records in the policies table and if I redeploy the database it is corrected but after a while it comes back and this happens and this is quite a big problem, how can I go back to using the first version of DB or deploy a minor version of psotgres because I see they use an img with postgres 16
9 replies
private networking connect front to server
Hi, I am trying to connect my angular app with my server made with nestJS, I really don't understand at all how private networking works, in my enviroments i am doing this, it is correct?
serverUrl: 'https://gateway.railway.internal:3000',
or, when I can see the port from my server? this is the default nestjs port but i don t know if is the same in railway, is the url ok or not, thank you
9 replies