•Created by Kryoken on 9/24/2023 in #questions
Server using more RAM than intended
@Kryoken WHYYY
27 replies
•Created by Kryoken on 9/24/2023 in #questions
Server using more RAM than intended
27 replies
•Created by Kryoken on 9/24/2023 in #questions
Server using more RAM than intended
Worker thread is locked at 100% hm
27 replies
•Created by Auswahlaxiom on 9/24/2023 in #questions
Is my server using reasonable amounts of memory, or is something wrong?
And I’ve learnt something new!
50 replies
•Created by Auswahlaxiom on 9/24/2023 in #questions
Is my server using reasonable amounts of memory, or is something wrong?
Try remove mods to see if any of them is causing the problem as well
50 replies
•Created by Auswahlaxiom on 9/24/2023 in #questions
Is my server using reasonable amounts of memory, or is something wrong?
Try using aikars flags (, this doesn’t seem like normal behaviour. If this doesn’t rectify it, try contacting their support
50 replies
•Created by Alex on 8/30/2023 in #questions
Connection refused
This seems like the server is off... You do know, if you are using SSH, you need to create a screen to make it run 24/7
109 replies