Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
For another status check against a reverse proxy, I am also observing that uptime has improved (past 24h 99.93% vs last ~2 week 99.85%).
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
Also confirming that internal DNS uptime has been great! (24h is 100%) ❤️
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
Thanks for the update!
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
haha sorry -- i didn't mean for an immediate response 😆
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
Any update on this?
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
awesome thanks!
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
Maybe I will leave a feedback in #🤗|feedback so that Railway folks can take a look if they think it's important haha.
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
yeah 😦 I have been running uptime kuma for internal DNS (in the way you described in above) and uptime is 99.84% since I started running it (20+ hours)
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
I don't think i mentioned it earlier 🤔
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
About 502s, I added some logging to a reverse proxy that I'm using, I think it could be due to DNS lookup failures.
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
oh didn't know that kuma also supports DNS lol good to know!
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
for my info, how did you get these numbers?
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
thanks for looking into it!
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
right 😦
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
For DNS lookup latency I guess there is no way around it?
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
I see. I will look more into what's causing 502.
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
interesting.. so internal DNS lookup could be pretty slow
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
My question is more around these unexpected spikes 🥲
50 replies
Created by ChubbyAvocado on 11/7/2023 in #✋|help
Is high p99 latency from railway overhead is expected?
I'm not using the public template. I'm pretty sure I'm using the private network (http://foobar.railway.internal:PORT/...). I'm actually testing both public and private endpoints and I see that latency is noticeably lower on private endpoint.
50 replies