Puppeteer closes the browser after some minutes of inactivity?
does anyone know if railway has a kind of timeout if a server has no movement?
i.e. if there is no movement in an open browser with puppeteer or in the app in general... the server restarts at the next request or movement?
maybe railway pauses the container in general if there are no incoming requests?
7 replies
How can I create daily backups of my Mysql database?
Hi everyone!
I want to create daily backups of my Mysql database, I'm not sure if I should create an app with a cronjob or something like that.
Can anyone help me with this? There's no option in the project settings.
101 replies
(React with Vite) -> ReactRouter 404 Routing Error on Page reload
Hi everybody!
I hosted a react app on this platform and I'm getting 404 errors on page reloads. Going through react-router docs, I discovered this -"If you're hosting your app on a static file server, you'll need to configure it to send all requests to your index.html to avoid getting 404s."
Project ID
23 replies