TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by i.am.the.honored.one on 1/21/2024 in #questions
Seeking a career/life advice.
Thanks for the replies @Pablo M @om3r @Zion @zuzaki Had 3 girlfriends in last 10 years... my first relationship was when I was 15 and for leagal compliance I would say got my first action on my 18th birthday as she was a few months older. So, I'm pretty sure 😅 I not a virgin unless it restarts after 2 years. But I agree to your other I'm the problem and I am accepting it. Maybe you don't know but in India arrange marriages are pretty common and I got around 5-6 proposals in 2 years. Also, here once you get a job/stability you can just ask your parents/family and they will find someone in no time usually someone out of your league (+ you will get dowry money if you want). But I don't want to do any of this and it's 1 of the reason I want out as everyone is now forcing me to go for it. And it just feels like a life sentence to me as I have only went out of my state a couple of times & out out of country 0 times. This was mostly because my parents were poor and could afford anything except necessity. Also, I want to clear that a few points. 1. I can totally afford a house. But instead I want to spend that on myself and do everything else after 3-4 years. 2. I don't have problem with Indian culture as I am a part of it. But I am definitely not atteched to it and won't miss it. 3. I don't have much problem with government either. Sure they make few senseless decisions but which government doesn't. Anyways, thanks again for joining conversation. I think all the criticisms are natural as I didn't mentioned all the details. I posted my query in this channel as I wanted to know what others think. And as thi channel is mostly developers I thought it would be great to have a detailed discussion here.
82 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by i.am.the.honored.one on 1/21/2024 in #questions
Seeking a career/life advice.
@Pablo M Well no, it's more about moving out of my current place. To be honest my life is as mediocre as it can be. My whole life I've been running after money as my parents were poor I was taught that money can solve everything. Today I'm earning highest among all my school and college classmates. And it's pretty descent for my experience and live a comfortable life in India. But I don't feel good. It's like my life is at a standstill. I just don't want to be like others. Everyone I know is seeking stability purchase car, bike and property and getting married. It feels like everyone like where they are except me. At this point I have almost made my decision to go out. I am trying to apply for jobs in these countries. Got a few calls but so far no 1 wants to sponsor a visa. Maybe a break would be good for me. I can go for MS and study for a few year and in exchange for a sum of $ I can get a few years extension on that country's stay. For example, after MS students gets 3 years visa. Like many other I too have a American dream as 1 of my neighbour who I looked up to went US a decade ago and he is as happy as a human can be. I am also a big anime nerd and always liked Japanese culture. I also play online video games and talk to a lot of South Korean players. So, at this point it's mostly a decision between those 3 places. Maybe it's a bad decision. Maybe I'm making wrong choices. But I just can't accept to live like this. Selfish friends, useless relatives and bad neighbourhood is all I have here. I think it would be far better to think I wasted 3 years of savings and 3 years of my time than spend next 40 years thinking about what my life could be if I took a risk when it was under 30.
82 replies