Register Resources from a Plugin without adding it as Plugin in Panel?
I think this works in general and may is a good approach for some scenarios. Unfortunately I still get from somwhere in getNavigation() of panel. So panel defnitely take aware of the BlogPlugin. You know if I need to register any additional routes now? So far it was enough to register the resource and the resource contains all the pages in getPages().
41 replies
Register Resources from a Plugin without adding it as Plugin in Panel?
but then it wouldn't make sense to put blog code into own package. i try to put all the optional features into packages. blog and shop are just some example. and I don't want to force the projects to use the blog, etc..
41 replies
Register Resources from a Plugin without adding it as Plugin in Panel?
I have the FilamentServiceProvider in my core package, not in the app
My app almost knows nothing about Filament. No composer reuqirements, no Filament resources, etc.. everything about Filament is in my core package.
41 replies
Register Resources from a Plugin without adding it as Plugin in Panel?
Hm, I hoped to continue the logic from v2. That I can "hook in" the resources from the blog package itself and don't need to make any adjustments somewhere else. This way I only had to composer install the package and functionality was fully ready. Would be great to avoid the panel provder in the laravel application to keep it as small as possible.
But seems to be difficult?
41 replies