Pivot-Table with Morph-Relation?
May, there is anyway, to pass to the Select::relationship() function not only the name of the relation, but also the information, that I want to address this relation on the pivot table and not on one of the n:m tables.
2 replies
Get Schema from Form for createOptionForm()I
Unfortunately no.. The error comes a bit later. I can now see and click the plus, but immediately get this one now..
Filament\Forms\ComponentContainer::Filament\Forms\Concerns\{closure}(): Argument #1 ($component) must be of type Filament\Forms\Components\Component, Filament\Forms\Form given
13 replies
Get Schema from Form for createOptionForm()I
That's what I am doing for relation managers but for createOptionForm it doesn't work for me:
Filament\Forms\Components\Select::createOptionForm(): Argument #1 ($schema) must be of type Closure|array|null, Filament\Forms\Form given
13 replies
Self-Registering Filament Plugins
Using this, in the blog's serviceprovider's register():
$this->app->afterResolving(FilamentPluginRegistry::class, function ($service) {
$service->register('blog', BlogPlugin::class);
and in FilamentServiceProvider's panel():
fn ($plugin) => $plugin::make(),
(Of course, FilamentPluginRegistry need to be a singleton.16 replies
Self-Registering Filament Plugins
if ($currentPanel = filament()->getPanel('xxx')) {
I am quite near I think. But, it results into:
Route [filament.xxx.resources.posts.index] not defined.
When opening the admin.
So, the plugin got registered somehow. But not completely...16 replies