Created by flex on 2/18/2024 in #❓┊help
Output a list/table in Resource's view-page without any Model
Hello! I want to show a simple table in a resource's view-page. But it's not a relation and the data to show does not depend on a model. Is there an easy way to do it in Filament v3? Thank you!
8 replies
Created by flex on 11/4/2023 in #❓┊help
Register Resources from a Plugin without adding it as Plugin in Panel?
Hi, in v2 I used PluginServiceProvider::$resources to register new resources. So, I just needed to install the package and the resource was available. While upgrading to v3 I'm extending PackageServiceProvider now, but the resources don't get registered: Is there any option to register resources in v3 from a plugin without the need to register it in the "parent" panel (as this is in a package for me too)? Thank you!
namespace X\Blog\Providers;

use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\Package;
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\PackageServiceProvider;
use X\Blog\Filament\Resources\PostResource;

class FilamentServiceProvider extends PackageServiceProvider
public static string $name = 'X/blog';

protected array $resources = [

public function configurePackage(Package $package): void
namespace X\Blog\Providers;

use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\Package;
use Spatie\LaravelPackageTools\PackageServiceProvider;
use X\Blog\Filament\Resources\PostResource;

class FilamentServiceProvider extends PackageServiceProvider
public static string $name = 'X/blog';

protected array $resources = [

public function configurePackage(Package $package): void
41 replies
Created by flex on 3/30/2023 in #❓┊help
How to handle records of different "type" and different fields depending on the type?
Hey! I have a simple model called "Visual". It has the fields name (string), type (enum) and settings (json). In a CMS the record should represent any type of visual objects like an image, a slider, a video, a chart, a pdf, whatever.. Each type has completely different fields which should be stored into settings column. So for example image just have a FileUpload. A slider has multiple FileUploads, a chart may have just a Codefield to insert a iframe-code or whatever... How can I use different fields depending on the selected type in the Select for "type"? To may make it little bit more challenging (for me): For each of those visual types we have packages to only install only the types we need for the website. The packages register them self in a VisualTypeRegistry. A VisualType object has a getKey() ``getLabel() and getSchema() function. Building the type Select works well depending on the key and the label. But now I don't know how to tell filament to use the getSchema() for the selected type.
25 replies
Created by flex on 3/25/2023 in #❓┊help
How to load my Resources, etc. in a Laravel Package?
Hello! I am currently developing a small Laravel CMS Package. I have some resources for pages, etc. Filament in general loads successfully (added Filament to the composer of the package). But my resources from the packages /src/Filament folder don't get loaded. My filament dashboard is just empty. How can I define, that the package should also load my Resource files from the src/Filament folder?
16 replies
Created by flex on 3/8/2023 in #❓┊help
Select Or Create
3 replies