Created by sauc on 10/24/2022 in #community-help
tired of pro players
pro players has been swarming on unrated matches like hell, i matchmaking with new players and the matches was NOT fair at all im a casual player and this has been really discouraging, i can be or play better but these guys are like lazers lmao. matchmaking with bots and newbies doesnt fix the problem at all i cant even surrender bruv
3 replies
Created by sauc on 10/18/2022 in #community-help
1 hour penalty....
i got a one hour penalty for accidentally disconnecting from a unrated match, im new so i dont really know how shit works here but thats just bruh. so if i disconnect again i will get 2 hours penalty? i dont think im going to play unrated anymore....
11 replies
Created by sauc on 10/17/2022 in #community-help
Do i get all the stuff from the paid battle pass if it ends?
8 replies
Created by sauc on 10/16/2022 in #community-help
Why is valorant so server prioritize?
If you dont get what i meant by the title, by what i meant is that the fact most processes in the game is basicly run by the servers, of course theres a lot of good reasons for this, but i cant help the fact its pretty buggy for most of the part. Playing deathmatch can be very buggy when the camera death animation forces you to look down, of course this occurs when the latency is high. but when latency comes back to normal, you are forced to somehow kill yourself. theres other instances when playing firing range to practice NEEDS internet. I dont get it. yeah sure maybe i can connect internet to atleast play but can i just run the firing range server from the pc instead? maybe make it as an option would be better too. theres actually more but im either too lazy or i just forgets them. btw what do you guys think?
8 replies
Created by sauc on 10/12/2022 in #community-help
Rank Penalty no reason issue
so i just got to lvl20 for the first time and i was ready to play rank, for the first time. and then for some reason the button is red and say 83 HOURS. im new on valorant so i have no idea whats going on so pls explain
9 replies
Created by sauc on 10/10/2022 in #community-help
Random Penalty for no reason
No description
12 replies