Random Penalty for no reason
so i want to get started playing val after a long day all of a sudden i have a penalty.
it said i afk my last match but i didnt, it was yesterday.
i got an hour ban and i dont know what to do.
wait? no i dont have much time to play. i have to sleep for frickin tommorow school.
okay, i can play the next day but i want this issue to be resolve before someones gets it too.

7 Replies
wel u were afk last match you played
like do you mean you did AFk last match but thne you didnt start the penalt by clicking play thast why u are banned rn
no i wasnt afk at all, i was very lively in my last match.
if i even do get a afk penalty, why the fuck it lasts almost a day? literal midnight rn and my last match is at the same time too
well its does last the whole day you didnt activate it by clickng play
well its not that long so making an apeal wouldnt be worth it
It's only 21 minutes not a whole day from what I can see in screen shot
welp i gotta go sleep
yea it doesnt matter itll be back up for u
it feels like a whole day of waiting, ive waited since the begining of my day, i start playing at midnight, just to find out that im having a penalty.
not gud feelin, just got pissed bruh
this community post is closed, thanks for the help