•Created by Yavis on 9/3/2023 in #questions
How can I protect my modded server from cheaters?
I’m using a modded server and I want to see if there are any measures at all I can take to protect my server my hacking. I’ll do pretty much anything for a little more protection. It’s a forge server by the way.
44 replies
•Created by Yavis on 7/14/2023 in #questions
How can I log EVERYTHING my players do?
I already use Logblock but it still doesn't give me enough info. I want to log absolutely everything a player does. Items from creative, chest interactions, every time they drop and pick up an item, everytime they move and so on. Pretty much enough info to put up a replay of what has happened at any specific point in the server.
91 replies
•Created by Yavis on 7/2/2023 in #questions
What is the best possible anticheat for 1.19+?
What is the best possible anticheat I can get my hands on for any amount of money?
25 replies