NestJS Build Error
yes, I'm using a single repo for frontend and backend, that's why I have nested node apps (one is in Angular and the backend is in NestJS), but I thought that specifying the Root Directory in settings would fix that issue.
This is the project id?: overconfident-milk
39 replies
NestJS Build Error
neb, I tried and it built successfully!, but then I tried again with the commands I wrote manually, and it worked too!!!, I don't know why this is happening. Anyway, I tried in my original project (the one I got the error in the first place) and I'm getting the same error as before:
39 replies
NestJS Build Error
I just created a new NestJS project, and put it into a public repo, used that repo to build in Railway, and I'm still getting the (kind of) same error:
This is the repo: https://github.com/federicopenaranda/nestjs-railway
It looks like my project code is not the problem, because I just generated a new NestJS project and didn't add any new feature or library. Thanks for all the help.
39 replies