Created by Luka on 6/29/2024 in #support
Vite Certificate
I just ran into problem while creating certificate for localhost, using vite I changed app.config.js the code below is my configuration import { defineConfig } from "@solidjs/start/config"; import mkcert from "vite-plugin-mkcert"; export default defineConfig({ ssr: true, vite: { server: { https: true }, plugins: [ mkcert({ force: true, savePath: "./cert", }), ], }, server: { https: { cert: "./cert/cert.pem", key: "./cert/dev.pem" }, }, }) I expect it to create valid certificate but browsers warn that its certificate is not valid.
2 replies
Created by Luka on 6/17/2024 in #support
Hey I am frequently getting sevoral errors I am guessing its parsing library, couldn't find documentation about it.
So I noticed it happens when I don't use JSON.stringify when sending data from server or don't use solidstart built in json function. If you could explain me how these work and link me documentation about Sevoral it would mean a lot.
9 replies
Created by Luka on 6/15/2024 in #support
Busboy "missing content-type" error
I am trying to use Busboy with Solidstart API, So I have POST api where form sends file, but I think busboy reads headers in a way that is not valid for my headers, const bb = busboy({headers: request.request.headers }) request.request.headers return headerList where busboy tries to read content-type but it fails because its within the _HeadersList { cookies: null, [Symbol(headers map)]: Map(20) {--------- content-type is Somewhere here in the map ---------} How can I modify thing in my code to make busboy able to handle things properly
4 replies
Created by Luka on 6/11/2024 in #support
Accessing server on Network
I tried exposing network host from console as vinxi suggests but it logs nothing when I follow instructions.
1 replies
Created by Luka on 6/8/2024 in #support
How to handle Loading/Error
I am making calls to server using createAsync it is returning a signal, how should I handle a loading and error states. what is the best practice, and also documentation says that it has these states as properties just like createResourse had but I can't access it.
2 replies
Created by Luka on 6/7/2024 in #support
How does serializing work
I am trying to fetch a object that I got from mongodb, but when doing return json(object, { status: 200 }) and then const response = await get_user(prof_id); const data = await response.json() The following error is logged "The value [object Object] of type "object" cannot be parsed/serialized."
3 replies
Created by Luka on 6/4/2024 in #support
FileRoutes layout
No description
16 replies