Created by Tur on 6/22/2023 in #support
Maximum call stack size exceeded while using createEffect
14 replies
Created by Tur on 6/18/2023 in #support
Unexpected token in testing render method
45 replies
Created by Tur on 2/16/2023 in #support
How to send data between different pages using Solid js?
Hello! I need to send user's phone number between 2 different pages. I know I could use a browser's Session Storage to do that but I'm not sure it is a good practice. Is there smth like VueX in vue.js or other ideas?
95 replies
Created by Tur on 1/11/2023 in #support
how to make a route working after page reload
8 replies
Created by Tur on 12/21/2022 in #support
How to pass data from child component to parent?
We have props in solid for passing data down to child component. What about the opposite case when I need to pass some data back to the parent component? If I am not mistaken, in Vue.js there is a possibility to emit event from parent to child. How can I do it?
14 replies
Created by Tur on 12/5/2022 in #support
How to set delay on signal's setter
Hello! I'm trying to set a delay between mouseover and then menu opening. The menu is opened depending on signal state <li>on:mouseover={ setDropdownVisible('block') }</li> Once dropdownVisible() has set I set style display block on the menu I try to create the delay like this : <li>on:mouseover={ setTimeout(setDropdownVisible('block'), 1000) }</li> and it doesn't work. I guess this is a wrong way but what is right one and why?
7 replies