A question for the pass outs, working in the industry
What is the job market here like ? From what it feels like the technology market seems to be in quite a nascent stages (I could be totally wrong but weird tech stacks etc, not many innovative products and companies) and its almost like there are more developers here than products. I have some experience from Europe and Asia-oceania. Another thing that I have been hearing is that most people hire through references, or certificates, degrees etc and not projects. The Job descriptions are ludicrous at times, I mean I understand HR's are mostly useless and you can find this in other places too, but here it seems like companies use recruitment where people have no idea of the product or stack. A bit of a rant 😓 , but what thoughts ?
6 replies
(not sure what the corresponding forum channel is so here. Pardòn) Hello all you discord bots masquerading as students. I have recently applied to this course, although I already work in the industry ( 3 years, Full stack). I am one of those career changers self taught guys, so looking into clearing out some comp sci basics. What sort of technologies are being covered generally in the course ? ( I see C and C++ but I learnt never to trust what's written on college websites from my last degree) Is it theoretically hefty or there are projects going making some real stuff ( I don't know using C or Cpp for graphics, games etc) I think It will be great if these can be answered to start with. Danke!!
99 replies