Created by rithvik12345678 on 4/21/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
How to change logo in google search
When I search for my website on google. The results show the logo for wasp on the left of the link instead of my own logo. What part of the wasp code do I need to change to make sure that I get the right logo in google search results?
11 replies
Created by rithvik12345678 on 4/21/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
How to replace wasp logo as favicon in tab
I've deployed my website using wasp deploy fly deploy. In my localhost, I was able to replace the favicon in the tab, but when I deploy it the wasp logo is the one that's present and not my logo. Why is this happening and how can I change it so that my logo appears in tab.
7 replies
Created by rithvik12345678 on 4/21/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
What file contains the styles for the login and signup page
I'm trying to edit the styling of the Auth UI Component because it doesn't fit with the color scheme of my website, but I don't know where the code for it is actually located. Can someone help with this?
7 replies
Created by rithvik12345678 on 4/6/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
How to use wasp deploy fly deploy command in github actions
So I've been trying to create a CI/CD pipeline for my wasp web app and I'm trying the automate the deploy process for my app with wasp deploy fly deploy in my github actions. This is what I have in my fly.yml currently:
name: Fly Deploy

- main # change to main if needed

name: Deploy app
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
concurrency: deploy-group # optional: ensure only one action runs at a time

- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Install wasp
run: |
curl -sSL https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh | sh
echo "$HOME/.wasp/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH

- uses: superfly/flyctl-actions/setup-flyctl@master

- name: Deploy with wasp
run: wasp deploy fly deploy
working-directory: app
name: Fly Deploy

- main # change to main if needed

name: Deploy app
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
concurrency: deploy-group # optional: ensure only one action runs at a time

- uses: actions/checkout@v4

- name: Install wasp
run: |
curl -sSL https://get.wasp-lang.dev/installer.sh | sh
echo "$HOME/.wasp/bin" >> $GITHUB_PATH

- uses: superfly/flyctl-actions/setup-flyctl@master

- name: Deploy with wasp
run: wasp deploy fly deploy
working-directory: app
But, I'm having issues with this command in GitHub actions that I don't have when i run it in the terminal. Like in the wasp deply fly deploy command when it gets to the flyctl secrets list -j command I get this in my github actions:
Error: Could not find App "lexal-server"
:rocket: Unable to check for DATABASE_URL secret.
Error: Could not find App "lexal-server"
:rocket: Unable to check for DATABASE_URL secret.
But in my terminal it just lists the secrets and it works perfectly. The exact same code is being pushed to my github as in my vscode and I have this gitignore:
I tried to remove the .wasp from gitignore to see if that was the issue and it didn't help. I have the .toml files for fly-server and fly-client already set up. Can someone help me with this?
10 replies
Created by rithvik12345678 on 4/3/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Error when trying to login with google oauth
I recently migrated my codebase from 0.12.4 to 0.13.0 and I'm now having issues when I attempt to login or signup through google. My google config looks like this:
export function getGoogleAuthConfig() {
return {
scopes: ['profile', 'email'], // must include at least 'profile' for Google
export function getGoogleAuthConfig() {
return {
scopes: ['profile', 'email'], // must include at least 'profile' for Google
My google get user fields looks like this:
export const getGoogleUserFields = defineUserSignupFields({
email: (data: any) => data.profile.emails[0].value,
username: (data: any) => data.profile.displayName,
isAdmin: (data: any) => adminEmails.includes(data.profile.emails[0].value),
export const getGoogleUserFields = defineUserSignupFields({
email: (data: any) => data.profile.emails[0].value,
username: (data: any) => data.profile.displayName,
isAdmin: (data: any) => adminEmails.includes(data.profile.emails[0].value),
and I've added the correct redirect uri to my google cloud console as well. Can someone help me figure out what's going wrong here.
10 replies
Created by rithvik12345678 on 3/30/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Issue with deploying my wasp app to fly.io
I'm trying to deploy my wasp app to fly.io, but I'm encountering an error that doesn't make sense. When I run wasp start and operate on my localhost, everything works perfectly, but when I run "wasp deploy fly deploy" it goes through an bunch of steps and ends on this error:
"../../../src/client/admin/components/Header.tsx(1,31): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'wasp/auth/types' or its corresponding type declarations.\n"
"../../../src/client/admin/components/Header.tsx(1,31): error TS2307: Cannot find module 'wasp/auth/types' or its corresponding type declarations.\n"
Saying that it can't find the path to wasp/auth/types even though this wasn't an issue for the localhost. Can anyone help me with this?
26 replies
Created by rithvik12345678 on 3/13/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Is it possible to redirect post requests in wasp
Since there's no way to run code directly within Wasp upon signup or login, I've been trying to get around that while still keeping Wasp code untouched. I've created some custom code that I want to run on signup and I have it running on http://localhost:3002/auth/username/login. Wasp runs on port 3001 so usually the wasp request to that same endpoint would be at this link: http://localhost:3001/auth/username/login. When the post request is made to this link: http://localhost:3001/auth/username/login in Wasp the signup code is run to create a new user in Prisma. The code running on port 3002 that I created does the same thing with some extra steps. I want to be able to redirect any traffic that goes to this endpoint: http://localhost:3001/auth/username/login. to this endpoint: http://localhost:3002/auth/username/login. I've tried using Nginx to do the redirection but I don't think that'll work since for it to work Nginx would need to be listening on port 3001 and Wasp is using port 3001 so that would be a conflict. So is there some way I can redirect this traffic, without altering the Wasp code directly.
6 replies
Created by rithvik12345678 on 3/11/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Is it possible to redirect traffic from Wasp's Post Requests?
Since there's no way to run code directly within Wasp upon signup or login, I've been trying to get around that while still keeping Wasp code untouched. I've created some custom code that I want to run on signup and I have it running on http://localhost:3002/auth/username/login. Wasp runs on port 3001 so usually the wasp request to that same endpoint would be at this link: http://localhost:3001/auth/username/login. When the post request is made to this link: http://localhost:3001/auth/username/login in Wasp the signup code is run to create a new user in Prisma. The code running on port 3002 that I created does the same thing with some extra steps. I want to be able to redirect any traffic that goes to this endpoint: http://localhost:3001/auth/username/login. to this endpoint: http://localhost:3002/auth/username/login. I've tried using Nginx to do the redirection but I don't think that'll work since for it to work Nginx would need to be listening on port 3001 and Wasp is using port 3001 so that would be a conflict. So is there some way I can redirect this traffic, without altering the Wasp code directly.
2 replies
Created by rithvik12345678 on 3/9/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
How to integrate Django API Sign Up with Wasp
I have a standalone Django Rest API that has its own Sign Up and Login process and all that. I'm trying to make it so that when a new user is created in wasp and added to the prisma database, a post request is made to my Django API's User Create endpoint, so that I can create a user there as well. This will let me make authenticated requests to the API for other endpoints and purposes. However, I can't figure out how and where to add my code for the Django request. I could potentially modify the wasp LoginandSignupForm itself, but I'd rather not modify that code. If I were to just create an action to make this request, how would I incorporate that into the signup page, since the Signup Form component can't be modified directly in the SignupPage.tsx.
import { SignupForm } from 'wasp/client/auth';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { AuthWrapper } from './authWrapper';

export function Signup() {
return (
<SignupForm />
<br />
<span className='text-sm font-medium text-gray-900'>
I already have an account (
<Link to='/login' className='underline'>
go to login
<br />
import { SignupForm } from 'wasp/client/auth';
import { Link } from 'react-router-dom';
import { AuthWrapper } from './authWrapper';

export function Signup() {
return (
<SignupForm />
<br />
<span className='text-sm font-medium text-gray-900'>
I already have an account (
<Link to='/login' className='underline'>
go to login
<br />
I'm just completely lost on this and have spent around 8 hours trying to figure this out. If anyone has any suggestions that would be really helpful.
12 replies