Copy database from production to PR environments?
That's unfortunate. I'm also searching how to upgrade from Hobby to Pro, as I've reached the limit of my database volume size. I'm trying to do that from the interface but there is no clear path to doing so. Help?
9 replies
Logging in BetterStack, PaperTrail, or DataDog?
Kind of defeats the purpose of having Railway run the managed instance for those. Appreciate the pointers, I left some comments on the feature request thread.
It's a bummer that's been open for two years though. I'm assuming perhaps Railway wants to own that part of the stack too, which would be nice! Just need to build out some more functionality to ensure people don't need those external logging services. It's halfway there looks like now.
I for one would appreciate not having to pay another log provider, so I can understand if that's the product direction.
13 replies
Logging in BetterStack, PaperTrail, or DataDog?
Something like this I guess? But then I'd miss out on my postgres / redis logs? https://betterstack.com/docs/logs/docker/
13 replies