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DTDrizzle Team
Created by Liltripple_reid on 10/13/2024 in #help
Unable to use `push` or `studio` anymore
after reviewing the error message I was using a .tsx extension in a file used by drizzle which somehow caused it to die
6 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Liltripple_reid on 10/13/2024 in #help
Unable to use `push` or `studio` anymore
update: it wasn't
6 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Liltripple_reid on 10/13/2024 in #help
Unable to use `push` or `studio` anymore
think so in that case
6 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Liltripple_reid on 10/13/2024 in #help
Unable to use `push` or `studio` anymore
this is the config I've been using since the start of my project
import { type Config } from "drizzle-kit";

import { env } from "~/env";

export default {
schema: "./src/server/db/schema.ts",
dialect: "sqlite",
driver: "turso",
verbose: true,
dbCredentials: {
url: env.DATABASE_URL,
authToken: env.AUTH_TOKEN,
} satisfies Config;
import { type Config } from "drizzle-kit";

import { env } from "~/env";

export default {
schema: "./src/server/db/schema.ts",
dialect: "sqlite",
driver: "turso",
verbose: true,
dbCredentials: {
url: env.DATABASE_URL,
authToken: env.AUTH_TOKEN,
} satisfies Config;
6 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by om3r on 4/17/2024 in #questions
how to pass trpc typescript between parent and children ?
you can use the RouterOutputs of the path you're querying
7 replies
Created by Liltripple_reid on 4/11/2024 in #❓-help
trpc optimistic updates causing data flicker
this is the flicker I'm referring to when updating an entry
5 replies
Created by Liltripple_reid on 4/11/2024 in #❓-help
trpc optimistic updates causing data flicker
const utils = api.useUtils();
const { data: events } = api.entries.getByMonth.useQuery(
{ workspaceId, monthDate: format(month, "yyyy/MM") },
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
refetchOnReconnect: false,

const { mutate } = api.entries.update.useMutation({
onMutate: async (input) => {
await utils.entries.getByMonth.cancel();
const prev = utils.entries.getByMonth.getData({ workspaceId, monthDate });

if (!prev || !auth) return;

const updatedEvent = {
...prev.find((e) => ===!,
temp: true,

utils.entries.getByMonth.setData({ workspaceId, monthDate }, (prevState) => {
if (!prevState) return [];

return [...prevState.filter((e) => !==, updatedEvent];

return () => utils.entries.getByMonth.setData({ workspaceId, monthDate }, prev);
onSettled: () => {
return utils.entries.getByMonth.invalidate({
onError: (error, _variables, rollback) => {
toast.error("Something happened, please try again!", {
description: error.message,

if (rollback) {
const utils = api.useUtils();
const { data: events } = api.entries.getByMonth.useQuery(
{ workspaceId, monthDate: format(month, "yyyy/MM") },
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
refetchOnReconnect: false,

const { mutate } = api.entries.update.useMutation({
onMutate: async (input) => {
await utils.entries.getByMonth.cancel();
const prev = utils.entries.getByMonth.getData({ workspaceId, monthDate });

if (!prev || !auth) return;

const updatedEvent = {
...prev.find((e) => ===!,
temp: true,

utils.entries.getByMonth.setData({ workspaceId, monthDate }, (prevState) => {
if (!prevState) return [];

return [...prevState.filter((e) => !==, updatedEvent];

return () => utils.entries.getByMonth.setData({ workspaceId, monthDate }, prev);
onSettled: () => {
return utils.entries.getByMonth.invalidate({
onError: (error, _variables, rollback) => {
toast.error("Something happened, please try again!", {
description: error.message,

if (rollback) {
this is the part that's controlling the optimistic update
5 replies
Created by Liltripple_reid on 4/11/2024 in #❓-help
trpc optimistic updates causing data flicker
5 replies
Created by Sophia on 3/11/2024 in #❓-help
TRPC useQuery() in NextJS full stack with TypeScript
@Sophia the repo doesn't exist anymore it seems
3 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Liltripple_reid on 3/10/2024 in #questions
cookies are returned as `object Promise` from RSC
logging the cookie itself shows this
workspace: Promise {
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 147121,
[Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 137107,
[Symbol(kResourceStore)]: undefined,
[Symbol(kResourceStore)]: {
headers: [Getter],
cookies: [Getter],
mutableCookies: [Getter],
draftMode: [Getter]
[Symbol(kResourceStore)]: {
isStaticGeneration: false,
urlPathname: '/integrations/github?code=709726aa96755578ac0d',
pagePath: '/(public)/integrations/github/page',
incrementalCache: [IncrementalCache],
isRevalidate: false,
isPrerendering: undefined,
fetchCache: undefined,
isOnDemandRevalidate: false,
isDraftMode: false,
postpone: undefined,
fetchMetrics: [Array],
forceDynamic: true,
revalidate: 0,
tags: [Array],
nextFetchId: 5
workspace: Promise {
[Symbol(async_id_symbol)]: 147121,
[Symbol(trigger_async_id_symbol)]: 137107,
[Symbol(kResourceStore)]: undefined,
[Symbol(kResourceStore)]: {
headers: [Getter],
cookies: [Getter],
mutableCookies: [Getter],
draftMode: [Getter]
[Symbol(kResourceStore)]: {
isStaticGeneration: false,
urlPathname: '/integrations/github?code=709726aa96755578ac0d',
pagePath: '/(public)/integrations/github/page',
incrementalCache: [IncrementalCache],
isRevalidate: false,
isPrerendering: undefined,
fetchCache: undefined,
isOnDemandRevalidate: false,
isDraftMode: false,
postpone: undefined,
fetchMetrics: [Array],
forceDynamic: true,
revalidate: 0,
tags: [Array],
nextFetchId: 5
2 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by chillihero on 3/8/2024 in #questions
Good (cheap) alternatives to Planescale
what about turso and it's edge databases coupled with the next middleware? (and lucia 3 or nextauth 5)
9 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by Liltripple_reid on 3/9/2024 in #questions
June Analytics weird error when attempting to track
solved it, turns out the user_id was not a string LOL
3 replies
Created by Liltripple_reid on 3/4/2024 in #❓-help
persistedQueries & indexedDb
any suggestions feedback or if anyone finds it useful is appreciated
5 replies
Created by Liltripple_reid on 3/4/2024 in #❓-help
persistedQueries & indexedDb
// react.tsx file created by the t3-app scaffolder and modified to include the persister
"use client";

import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { loggerLink, unstable_httpBatchStreamLink } from "@trpc/client";
import { createTRPCReact } from "@trpc/react-query";
import { useState } from "react";

import { PersistQueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query-persist-client";
import { type AppRouter } from "~/server/api/root";
import { createIDBPersister } from "./persister";
import { getUrl, transformer } from "./shared";

export const api = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>();
const persister = createIDBPersister();

export function TRPCReactProvider(props: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
const [queryClient] = useState(
() =>
new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 5,

const [trpcClient] = useState(() =>
links: [
enabled: (op) =>
process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ||
(op.direction === "down" && op.result instanceof Error),
url: getUrl(),

return (
persistOptions={{ persister, maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4, buster: "persisted-indexed-db" }}
<api.Provider client={trpcClient} queryClient={queryClient}>
// react.tsx file created by the t3-app scaffolder and modified to include the persister
"use client";

import { QueryClient } from "@tanstack/react-query";
import { loggerLink, unstable_httpBatchStreamLink } from "@trpc/client";
import { createTRPCReact } from "@trpc/react-query";
import { useState } from "react";

import { PersistQueryClientProvider } from "@tanstack/react-query-persist-client";
import { type AppRouter } from "~/server/api/root";
import { createIDBPersister } from "./persister";
import { getUrl, transformer } from "./shared";

export const api = createTRPCReact<AppRouter>();
const persister = createIDBPersister();

export function TRPCReactProvider(props: { children: React.ReactNode }) {
const [queryClient] = useState(
() =>
new QueryClient({
defaultOptions: {
queries: {
cacheTime: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 5,

const [trpcClient] = useState(() =>
links: [
enabled: (op) =>
process.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ||
(op.direction === "down" && op.result instanceof Error),
url: getUrl(),

return (
persistOptions={{ persister, maxAge: 1000 * 60 * 60 * 4, buster: "persisted-indexed-db" }}
<api.Provider client={trpcClient} queryClient={queryClient}>
5 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Domski on 1/30/2024 in #help
Best practices for handling planetscale DatabaseErrors with Drizzle?
did you find a way to do this? @Domski
4 replies
DTDrizzle Team
Created by Domski on 1/30/2024 in #help
Best practices for handling planetscale DatabaseErrors with Drizzle?
upvoting this
4 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by kgni on 1/22/2024 in #questions
create-t3-turbo issues
Sorry man
17 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
Created by kgni on 1/22/2024 in #questions
create-t3-turbo issues
Then I’m not really sure what the actual problem could be
17 replies