filepond fileupload component
How can I add an input to the fileupload? I tried to do it this way https://github.com/pqina/filepond/issues/208 but it doesn't work for me to add it.
2 replies
I have a problem with HasFileAttachments aws S3
in the file vendor/filament/forms/src/Components/Concerns/HasFileAttachments.php in the line if ($storage->getVisibility($file) === 'private') why do they ask if it is private if a variable that defines the visibility, then if I do not have access to the acl permissions of that route or I can validate this and it explodes for no reason, this only happens with this component because the upload files does work
3 replies
Problem when displaying order is generated in reverse
When I do a $news->getMedia('gallery') it shows me the order in 1,2,3,4,5... when I am in filament it calls the collection the same but shows it...5,4,3 ,2,1 and when it orders it, it saves the first image as the last 5,4,3,2,1 generating a difference
2 replies
problem saving pivot table
I have 3 tables: this is my code
9 replies