problem saving pivot table

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3 Replies
elmudometalOP2y ago
this is my error:
No description
cheesegrits2y ago
It really is not clear what you are trying to do. You have aa pivot with 3 foreign ID's. Your main repeater() relationship is not named, so will default to 'ordenes', but I don't see a relation with that name on your model. Then you have a multiple select within your repeater which seems to be trying to use another relationship. Maybe take a step back and exaplain exactly what you are trying to achieve?
elmudometalOP2y ago
It is a registration system where a registration can have many categories but at the same time it has payment order registrations: 1 registration has many categories 1 registration has many payment orders but for example: 1 payment order has 2 categories and another payment order has 1 category This results in: 1 registration with 3 categories All this logic for the user view is created but I can't get it to filament The models have all their relationships, I just cut them out because they are very long. My idea was to create a registration form and this adds a repeat of orders and in the orders I added the categories (this one as select multiple) but since the registration has not yet been created I do not have the id so when saving everything it fails in this relationship multi foreign My solution was to create a pivot model and assign the id class OrdenCategoria extends Pivot { protected static function booted(): void { static::creating(function ($ordenCategoria) { if (empty($ordenCategoria->inscripcion_id)) { $ordenCategoria->inscripcion_id = $ordenCategoria?->pivotParent?->inscripcion_id; } }); } }

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