RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
That was misleading, klipper screen wasn't dead it just wasn't working and showing an error on the Homescreen while also for some reason klipper could not connect to the printer. I disconnected the screen and everything worked fine throughout the workshop today. 🥰
Next time I come around to doing work on the printer I will Update everything in the correct order. Thanks for the help again.
Btw who is responsible for theRatOS installation manual on the Ratrig site?
I think I have some inputs on how it could be made clearer and easier to follow.
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
the printer is finally up and running again, but atm klipperscreen is not working. So just for later, what is the corret procedure to update after the initial setup to not brick it again? Is RatOS 2.1 save from Klipperscreens network manager oder will it again tamper network settings when someone tries to use the network page of klipperscreen?
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
i will see what i can still fetch from the sd. thanks for the help anyways, i am definitely wiser now.
hopefully the kids have 2 printers tomorrow 🙄
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
I will find that out soon. I just didnt want to dissasemble it again now since its all in @Squirrelbrain 's electronics box, but yeah thats what you get for updating before match day
now i know that klipperscreen network settings are a no go
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
i think i have to reflash, F#CK 😢
I just wanted to check my 2 printers for the Workshop tomorrow and now it will become a nightshift
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
theres no ethernet on stock Raspi 3A+ 😭
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
i dont understand it either, i have tried that now 2 times and the first time it helped now it did nothing.
It is now spawing the RatOs hotspot though, but i cant seem to connect with raspberry as pw
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
before, disconnecting the screen, and rebooting led to it reconnecting to the old the wifi which i could also connect to
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
okay i just verified, it doesnt connect to wifi when the screen is connected. Could un- and reinstalling klipperscreen solve this issue?
50 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
okay, i will try to reconnect the screen than and see what happens. what is the safest way to add another wifi network?
I am transporting the minions quite a lot for Workshops with children and need this functionality to have an onsite network
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
i just read one of your comments to someone with the same issue, where it wasnt clear how a screen could affect wifi, this is exactly what i just experienced.
could it be that by disconnecting the screen, klipperscreen doesnt try to load network manager and thus it doesnt fuck with the setttings?
50 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
Is it possible to roll back KlipperScreen to a previous stable version?
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RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
okay I just had the idea to disconnect the DSI Touchscreen and now I was able to load the webinterface. So the Printer did connect to Wifi on it's on without a connected screen
50 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update
yes, people report similar errors on here and on github issues in klipper and klipperscreen, but the solutions are not applicable since i have no way of communicating with the pi.
it is also strange that the pi doesnt open ratos although there is no wifi connection
50 replies
RRCRat Rig Community [Unofficial]
•Created by nachtgoblin24 on 7/9/2024 in #ratos-support
Wifi Connection not working since Update

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