Oguz A.
Explore posts from serversWWasp
•Created by Oguz A. on 6/28/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Sub page-level auth
So, checking the docs, seems like auth is enabled on a page level. If auth is enabled for a page, not-logged-in people can not access any functionality of the page. What if i want some select functionality to be available even to public, and some others to only logged in, in the same page?
9 replies
TTCTheo's Typesafe Cult
•Created by Oguz A. on 11/8/2023 in #questions
Hi there,
I created a create-t3-app stack with drizzle, nextjs, typescript, nextauth, trpc, and db at planetscale. It works fine on local. But when i deploy it to vercel i get:
Application error: a server-side exception has occurred (see the server logs for more information).
Digest: 1526301433
In the vercel logs i see like:
<< query #2 post.hello {
input: { text: 'from tRPC' },
result: TRPCClientError: Unexpected token ; in JSON at position 4
at TRPCClientError.from (/var/task/.next/server/chunks/152.js:1:25003)
at /var/task/.next/server/chunks/152.js:1:29521
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5) {
meta: undefined,
shape: undefined,
data: undefined,
[cause]: SyntaxError: Unexpected token ; in JSON at position 4
at JSON.parse (<anonymous>)
at parse (/var/task/.next/server/chunks/152.js:5:4111)
at /var/task/.next/server/chunks/152.js:5:3218
at onChunk (/var/task/.next/server/chunks/152.js:5:3371)
at readStandardChunks (/var/task/.next/server/chunks/152.js:5:3698)
at process.processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:95:5)
at async readLines (/var/task/.next/server/chunks/152.js:5:3452)
at async parseJSONStream (/var/task/.next/server/chunks/152.js:5:3058)
elapsedMs: 39
Why can this be?
13 replies