Created by Harry on 6/6/2024 in #questions-issues
I have a Solara application which when run on my machine looks fine, it runs in light mode and as a green primary colour (for context my Mac is in dark mode, IDK if this useful info). it is also worth noting that i do not do anything with the theme anywhere in my Solara application except from the theme.js file below. However, when I run the same Solara application on a different machine the website is in dark mode, dispite to my knolage not being put in dark mode.
Is there a way I can force the theme to be light for my Solara application? theme.js:
vuetifyThemes = {
light: {
primary: '#00842B', // "Algae Green" see brand guidelines
vuetifyThemes = {
light: {
primary: '#00842B', // "Algae Green" see brand guidelines
7 replies
Created by Harry on 6/4/2024 in #questions-issues
Solara DataFrame column padding
No description
3 replies
Created by Harry on 5/29/2024 in #questions-issues
404 Solara Router
Hi, when you try and go to a Solara page which doesn’t exist you will see a very simple page which has the text "Page not found by Solara router". Is there a way of either replacing this with a different page, eg my own 404 page not found, or redirecting the user from the default Solara "Page not found by Solara router" page to one I define, eg my own 404 page not found?
7 replies
Created by Harry on 5/13/2024 in #questions-issues
No description
16 replies
Created by Harry on 2/29/2024 in #questions-issues
Current theme?
Is there any way of getting the current theme used by the solara application?
2 replies
Created by Harry on 2/28/2024 in #questions-issues
Primary colour used by Solara
No description
10 replies
Created by Harry on 12/18/2023 in #questions-issues
InputDate not working
I am trying to run this simple page:
import solara
import solara.lab
import datetime as dt

def Page():
date = solara.use_reactive(dt.date.today())

import solara
import solara.lab
import datetime as dt

def Page():
date = solara.use_reactive(dt.date.today())

when I do I get this error:
aise KeyError(f"Element {el} was found to be in a previous render, you may have used a stale element")
KeyError: "Element ipyvuetify.TextField(label = 'Pick a date', v_model = '2023/12/18', on_v_model = <function ...127135cf0>, append_icon = 'mdi-calendar', error = False, style_ = 'min-width: 290px;', class_ = '') was found to be in a previous render, you may have used a stale element"
aise KeyError(f"Element {el} was found to be in a previous render, you may have used a stale element")
KeyError: "Element ipyvuetify.TextField(label = 'Pick a date', v_model = '2023/12/18', on_v_model = <function ...127135cf0>, append_icon = 'mdi-calendar', error = False, style_ = 'min-width: 290px;', class_ = '') was found to be in a previous render, you may have used a stale element"
I have tried clearing my browser but nothing I do fixes the issue
3 replies