Created by Harry on 6/6/2024 in #questions-issues
I can appreciate, this has fixed it. Just to summarise for when / if you need this info in the future: - I had my prod application running on port 8765. It did NOT have any theme toggles accept from the theme.js above and the prod was in light mode (I assume by default given i had not changed that anywhere) - I then had my dev application run on port 9093 for testing (before I pulled it into prod) and this also had no theme toggle or alterations other than the theme.js above but this was in dark mode (why I don’t understand) - When I looked at the :solara:theme.variant it was set to auto. - I then shut down prod and restarted dev and the issue persisted - Then when I shut down the dev and prod, reset caches etc in chrome and relaunched dev it was fixed and my app was in light mode. (NB: I then restarted prod and ran that alongside dev and they were both working and in light mode) Hope this is helpful, thank you for yor help!
7 replies
Created by Harry on 6/6/2024 in #questions-issues
Hi @cr33pyguy No I'm not using
anywhere in my application. In the developer tools, on the machine where it is dark the
is set to 'auto'. I was running another Solara app on the same machine but I have killed that and the issue persists Hope that is helpful Thanks for getting back!
7 replies
Created by Tara on 6/4/2024 in #questions-issues
3 replies
Created by Tara on 6/4/2024 in #questions-issues
this solara is not related to roblox.
3 replies
Created by Harry on 6/4/2024 in #questions-issues
Solara DataFrame column padding
typo in title: DataTable
3 replies
Created by Harry on 6/4/2024 in #questions-issues
Solara DataFrame column padding
No description
3 replies
Created by Harry on 5/29/2024 in #questions-issues
404 Solara Router
awesome thank you @cr33pyguy
7 replies
Created by Harry on 5/29/2024 in #questions-issues
404 Solara Router
Hi @cr33pyguy, thannk you for getting back. Unfortunately, I don't have time to work on this at the moment, but it would be an awesome and very useful feature for Solara!
7 replies
Created by Harry on 5/13/2024 in #questions-issues
Hi @Iisakki Rotko ! thank you for responding to my simple question lol. I have done that and it is now centred the image :/
import solara.lab

def appBar():
with solara.AppBar(children=[solara.Image("logo/.png", width="250px"), solara.v.Spacer()]):
with solara.lab.Tabs(background_color="primary", align="center"):
solara.lab.Tab("Home", icon_name="mdi-home", path_or_route="/")
solara.lab.Tab("Incubators", icon_name="mdi-fridge-outline", path_or_route="/Incubators")
solara.lab.Tab("Live View", icon_name="mdi-chart-timeline-variant", path_or_route="/Live_View")
solara.lab.Tab("Analysis", icon_name="mdi-poll", path_or_route="/Analysis")
solara.lab.Tab("Control", icon_name="mdi-remote", path_or_route="/Control")
solara.lab.Tab("Experiment", icon_name="mdi-flask", path_or_route="/Experiment")
solara.lab.Tab("Microcontroller", icon_name="mdi-memory", path_or_route="/Microcontroller")
solara.lab.Tab("Info", icon_name="mdi-information-outline", path_or_route="/Info")
solara.lab.Tab("Docs", icon_name="mdi-file-document-outline", path_or_route="/Docs")
import solara.lab

def appBar():
with solara.AppBar(children=[solara.Image("logo/.png", width="250px"), solara.v.Spacer()]):
with solara.lab.Tabs(background_color="primary", align="center"):
solara.lab.Tab("Home", icon_name="mdi-home", path_or_route="/")
solara.lab.Tab("Incubators", icon_name="mdi-fridge-outline", path_or_route="/Incubators")
solara.lab.Tab("Live View", icon_name="mdi-chart-timeline-variant", path_or_route="/Live_View")
solara.lab.Tab("Analysis", icon_name="mdi-poll", path_or_route="/Analysis")
solara.lab.Tab("Control", icon_name="mdi-remote", path_or_route="/Control")
solara.lab.Tab("Experiment", icon_name="mdi-flask", path_or_route="/Experiment")
solara.lab.Tab("Microcontroller", icon_name="mdi-memory", path_or_route="/Microcontroller")
solara.lab.Tab("Info", icon_name="mdi-information-outline", path_or_route="/Info")
solara.lab.Tab("Docs", icon_name="mdi-file-document-outline", path_or_route="/Docs")
16 replies
Created by Harry on 2/28/2024 in #questions-issues
Primary colour used by Solara
Thanks for getting back, this sounds great. @MaartenBreddels would you like me to make a ticket for this?
10 replies
Created by Harry on 12/18/2023 in #questions-issues
InputDate not working
solara: 1.25.0 ipyvue: 1.10.1 ipyvuetify: 1.8.10
3 replies