Created by Ron on 7/6/2024 in #❓┊help
How to test Header/Footer Actions in a Section Form Component
callFormComponentAction fails with error "Call to a member function getKey() on null" when attempting to test calling a section header action. Can callFormComponentAction() be used to test Header/Footer actions on Form Sections. Test Code:
it('can toggle form edit', function () {
$order = $this->getOrders(1);

// Arrange
livewire(OrderRentalHistory::class, ['record' => $order->id])
->callFormComponentAction('rental-history', 'edit-form')

it('can toggle form edit', function () {
$order = $this->getOrders(1);

// Arrange
livewire(OrderRentalHistory::class, ['record' => $order->id])
->callFormComponentAction('rental-history', 'edit-form')

Form Code:
Section::make('Rental History')
->action(fn (Get $get, Set $set) => $set('form-editable', ! $get('form-editable'))),
->disabled(fn (Get $get) => ! $get('form-editable')),

Section::make('Rental History')
->action(fn (Get $get, Set $set) => $set('form-editable', ! $get('form-editable'))),
->disabled(fn (Get $get) => ! $get('form-editable')),

2 replies
Created by Ron on 5/5/2024 in #❓┊help
How to close an ActionGroup dropdown with a custom function after the function completes
I see from a similar post how to close the drop down immediately on click, but is there a way to close the drop down within the custom function itself to preserve the progress spinner on the action? The code below shows an action w/in a group where the drop down is closed immediately (this code was from a similar post)
->action(function (Action $action) {
// ... run process function
// Is it possible to use the injected Action to close here, after processing
// Adding Extra Attributes will close the drop down immediately
->extraAttributes(['x-on:click' => 'close']),
->action(function (Action $action) {
// ... run process function
// Is it possible to use the injected Action to close here, after processing
// Adding Extra Attributes will close the drop down immediately
->extraAttributes(['x-on:click' => 'close']),
5 replies
Created by Ron on 1/10/2024 in #❓┊help
Global navigation combined from multiple panels.
Is it possible to combine the navigation from multiple "sub" panels into a single app panel. I have an App panel with this code:
->navigation(function (NavigationBuilder $builder): NavigationBuilder {
return $builder->items(
items: PanelNavigation::items()
->navigation(function (NavigationBuilder $builder): NavigationBuilder {
return $builder->items(
items: PanelNavigation::items()
And PanelNavigation:items() calls module facades to pull the navigation items from respective panels
public static function items(): array
return [
->url(fn (): string => Dashboard::getUrl()),

public static function items(): array
return [
->url(fn (): string => Dashboard::getUrl()),

The getNavigationItems from a facade / module gets the resource navitems with the following
public function getNavigationItems(): array

return [
public function getNavigationItems(): array

return [
I use the same navigation builder in each panel and the code works only when running the /admin panel. When accessing the /app panel, the error is Route [] not defined. It appears that CompanyResource::getNavigationItems() is using the App panel to build the route Has anyone successfull built a global side nav with access to multiple panel resources?
3 replies