Filament9mo ago

How to test Header/Footer Actions in a Section Form Component

callFormComponentAction fails with error "Call to a member function getKey() on null" when attempting to test calling a section header action. Can callFormComponentAction() be used to test Header/Footer actions on Form Sections. Test Code:
it('can toggle form edit', function () {
$order = $this->getOrders(1);

// Arrange
livewire(OrderRentalHistory::class, ['record' => $order->id])
->callFormComponentAction('rental-history', 'edit-form')

it('can toggle form edit', function () {
$order = $this->getOrders(1);

// Arrange
livewire(OrderRentalHistory::class, ['record' => $order->id])
->callFormComponentAction('rental-history', 'edit-form')

Form Code:
Section::make('Rental History')
->action(fn (Get $get, Set $set) => $set('form-editable', ! $get('form-editable'))),
->disabled(fn (Get $get) => ! $get('form-editable')),

Section::make('Rental History')
->action(fn (Get $get, Set $set) => $set('form-editable', ! $get('form-editable'))),
->disabled(fn (Get $get) => ! $get('form-editable')),

1 Reply
RonOP9mo ago
I was able to solve this with a change to the key string used with the Section form component. In my case i was rendering the form from a custom page with a "data" statePath. When using the livewire test helper function "callFormComponentAction" , the code is looking for the component using the statePath and the key name. Custom page form function
public function form(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([
public function form(Form $form): Form
return $form->schema([
I was able to call the Header Action in a Section by prefixing the key with the state path in the schema but using the non-state path key in the test.
Section::make('Rental History')
Section::make('Rental History')
Test Code
livewire(OrderRentalHistory::class, ['record' => $order->id])
->callFormComponentAction('rental-history', 'edit-form')
livewire(OrderRentalHistory::class, ['record' => $order->id])
->callFormComponentAction('rental-history', 'edit-form')

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