Created by ewerx on 8/21/2024 in #✋|help
Started seeing these warnings in the build logs: "SecretsUsedInArgOrEnv: Do not use ARG or ENV instructions for sensitive data" -- one for each environment variable setup in the Variables that has keywords like "KEY" in the variable name. Is there an alternative way to setup these environment vars?
5 replies
Created by ewerx on 8/24/2023 in #✋|help
Cannot create code snapshot right now
Unable to deploy across multiple services, both using CLI and branch-triggered deploys. The deploy logs just show the message: "Cannot create code snapshot right now, please review your last commit or try again  If this error persists, please reach out to Railway team"
13 replies
Created by ewerx on 8/17/2023 in #✋|help
PR environments stopped working with GitHub Actions
I had a couple of services setup with a single production environment and branch-based deploy. I was also using PR environments for automatic PR deploys. This was all working fine. Then I added a staging environment, and created a GitHub Actions workflow to deploy to staging on pushes to main. I disabled the automatic branch deployment on Railway on both staging and production. The deploy via GitHub Actions (CLI) works. But the PR environments don't work anymore, creating a PR does not trigger a deploy. There is nothing shown in the GitHub PR interface like before. Is this because I disabled the main branch deploy? Is there a workaround to get it working again?
2 replies
Created by ewerx on 2/10/2023 in #✋|help
Using GitHub Secrets values in a Railway deploy via GitHub Actions?
I am trying to setup a GitHub Action to handle deploys of a project with a custom Dockerfile. I need to inject some variables stored in GitHub Secrets into the docker build. Is this possible or do I need to store these variables in Railway's variables?
7 replies