Run a uvicorn python app on Railway
In the past I have run multiple express apps with
const PORT = parseInt(process.env.PORT '') 8000
app.listen(PORT, '', () => {
console.log('NODE_ENV: ', process.env.NODE_ENV)
console.log('listen port ' + PORT)
I tried to do the sae thing in uvicorn and run my app like this
PORT = int(os.getenv("PORT", "3000"))
if name == "main":
import uvicorn, host="", port=PORT)
but my app is not working. Any idea what I am doing wrong? This is my app
10 replies
I just want want Railway to be My API Layer
Right now I have a mobile app and have been using Railway as a CRUD layer / backend layer that sits atop a managed 3rd party DB.
If hypothetically I grew 10k users and want horizontal scaling how could I do this with Railway? When the pro-plan says 20/seat what is the seat? And how would I scale horizontally and what would be the cheapest way to do that?
17 replies