Taking the summer semester
Sounds oddly sexual but I’ll think about it
74 replies
Taking the summer semester
Either ways great talking to you and best of luck with your internship search!!
74 replies
Taking the summer semester
Yeah same
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Taking the summer semester
Yeah but honestly I’d rather take a rejection than being ghosted
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Taking the summer semester
Ohh cool
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Taking the summer semester
Im just freestyling lmao
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Taking the summer semester
Are you keeping track of all the jobs you’re applying to?
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Taking the summer semester
74 replies
Taking the summer semester
Do recruiters really care about your LinkedIn and GitHub?
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Taking the summer semester
Also I had a question
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Taking the summer semester
Yea I get it
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Taking the summer semester
Not many students here care about their career imo, they’re mainly focused on getting more hours at their part time job and being eligible for permanent residency
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Taking the summer semester
Fr and I’m at the markham campus so networking is basically non-existent
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Taking the summer semester
My tiktok and insta feed page is getting on my nerves literally everything is about interviews and job applications and resumes
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Taking the summer semester
I’m in 3rd sem too and it’s god awful
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Taking the summer semester
How’s the search going? Did you land any interviews yet?
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How do I make a complaint about a professor?
And i always felt like the prof had something against me
5 replies
How do I make a complaint about a professor?
The students that the professor knew by name got much better grades compared to the rest of the class
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How do I make a complaint about a professor?
Its really annoying because compared to the other courses I have the lowest grade in sft and I put in a lot of time and effort for this
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