Do I need to take WTP100 for co-op eligibility?
I don’t want to spend $500 on a course where I won’t get much to learn, considering how over saturated the job market is rn I don’t think I’ll even land an internship.
4 replies
How do I make a complaint about a professor?
My SFT221 “professor” has given me really shitty grades in all my workshops, milestones and quizzes. I put in so much work for all my assignments and submitted them on time but I have only received 70s-80s/100 and even worse in the quizzes. My group members have received grades in the 90s and some got a 100 even after putting in less effort than me. Yesterday I sent her an email asking her for a re-evaluation and she ended up giving me a 50/100 on ms6 (ms6 grades weren’t out when I sent the email)
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Prof recommendations for semester 3 at SIA
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How much tution fee do I have to pay for the second semester of CPA?
I am an international student paying domestic tution fee and about to go to into the 2nd semester of CPA. I got an email (the one with the enrollment details) which says I need to pay $4000 to be eligible for enrollment but on the student home it says I only need to make a deposit of $1500. I made the required payment but I’m still confused if I had to pay $4000 or not. Can anyone help me out?
1 replies
I’ve got my IPC final exam next week (August 11), What should I do to prepare myself?
So I’ve got my IPC final exam next week and if I’m being honest, I’m scared. I’ve been doing pretty decent lately, I have 100% in nearly all my quizzes and a total of 95% in my workshops. Idk what to do prepare myself since I messed up in the midterm, Any help would be appreciated!
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Can someone help me out with this?
No description
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Can anyone help me with this?
No description
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Help me out?
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Can anyone help me out with this question? All my mates are getting diff answers so idek anymore.
If a variable counting seconds is stored in a signed long 32-bit integer, how many days will it take until that integer overflows? (to one decimal place).
5 replies
Discount/Offers for commuting?
I’m starting at Seneca soon and i will be commuting from Mississauga which means i’ll have to take a minimum of two buses to reach the campus. Are there any discounts or offers for students i should look into? Oh and i’m under 19 if that helps. Also if anyone is commuting from Mississauga, let me know if i can join you (I will pay).
36 replies
I got into CPA for May when can i start registering/enrolling for classes?
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