How to store keys
you can search for
secrets management
, like
usually you keep a specific service (cloud or local) that has keys, credentials, and so on
then you decide how much security you want for the services that access that to recover stuff
so you could have ip whitelisting, some kind of digital certification checking, and so on4 replies
Named Pipe IPC: Protocols & Status Codes
sorry i understand you're stressed about this
i wanted to take a deeper look at the thread but i've got a bunch of stuff to worry about myself
it seems it's a low activity period this week on the server, i don't know
515 replies
How to best manage DTOs in Clean arch DDD project
there are a few factors to consider; personally i wouldn't have an issue using infrastructure from application, but if you have everything implemented as app->dom->infra and only this feature would differ then for sake of clarity having a domain service woud probably help, even if thin (consideration still goes to how much organization and interaction with other parts of the service this feature has)
if/when you (and eventually team) get more experience and are comfortable being a little more creative (and have sufficient internal documentation) then things could change
15 replies
How to best manage DTOs in Clean arch DDD project
This means I need to know in the domain layer about a DTO from the external servicea dto is just data transfer object, you use when you need to transfer data to a remote host or whatever, so it's not a problem instead i would say this is a more interesting question: "should I just define it as IArticleSearchService<T> ?"
15 replies
How to best manage DTOs in Clean arch DDD project
having a shared objects project is accepted practice
(as a reference:
although this: "the application layer with mediatr uses virtually identical CommandHandler/QueryHandler/Responses" catches my attention a bit, but ok
15 replies