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Created by armaan on 11/10/2023 in #✋|help
Evaluating Railway vs Vercel
Hey there, I know that posting such a thing will probably give me more answers biased toward Railway but I'm still interested to hear people's thoughts from this server. I currently have a Next.js project hosted on Vercel and I've been satisfied with Vercel and it's relative ease of use. The project in question is doing quite good and has recently surpassed its free usage plan on Vercel and as such Vercel is now prompting me to upgrade. Vercel however is kinda expensive 😅 so I'm not sure if I want to stick with the platform. So I'm just wondering how I can evaluate the cost savings (if there would even be any) if I switch over to Railway from Vercel. Oh yea and one other thing that's somewhat unrelated and goes off on a different tangent. For context, my Next.js app hosts both the frontend and all the API routes that power the backend. This project in question largely centers around API calls to an external API. Only problem is as my project has grown, my users are increasingly hitting 429s that are thrown by the external API. If I switch over to Railway, could I mitigate these rate limits, and if so, how would I go about doing so? This is my first time dealing with something like this so I have no idea what to do. Thanks everyone!
5 replies
Created by armaan on 10/28/2023 in #✋|help
"Prisma cannot find the required `libssl` system lib" Can't run Prisma with Bun
No description
19 replies
Created by armaan on 9/3/2023 in #✋|help
Love Railway but confused on pricing
Hello! I’m currently using the free trial of Railway for a service, and I’m loving it. As my free trial for Railway is almost depleted, I’m planning to move over to a paid plan. However, I find the pricing details kinda confusing. Here’s some background on the service I’m running on railway: it’s a simple node script that uses 0.0-0.1 vCPU and 200-300 MB of RAM.
I noticed that the hobby plan for railway is “$5/mo + resource usage.” My main concern is the resource usage part: will I be charged over five dollars a month for this service? Is there a way to cap resource spending or even set a fixed amount of RAM and vCPU I can pay for and not be able to go over? Thanks!
11 replies