Strapi/Postgres template data loss
not anymore but its still in the dashboard with the option to delete previous migration and re-migrate. The database still has all the uploaded media and user permissions, just none of the tables I made
30 replies
Strapi/Postgres template data loss
Understood, won't make that mistake again lol. As far as the postgres DB goes, is there anyway to recover the old data? I had a very similar experience to this a couple of months ago after I updated the DB but was able to find the the backed up tables. Did Railway scrub these with their new DB change?
30 replies
Strapi/Postgres template data loss
yeah I was running develop mode on railway so that my coworkers could change some of the content types. Is this where I went wrong? Should I only ever run develop locally? I am more worried about the database, did the redeploy with strapi in developermode scrub the DB?
30 replies