Created by gryznar on 9/5/2024 in #questions
Can Mojo support hot reload in debugging session?
Thank you all for the answers! My usecase is strongly related to to debug application (e.g. expensive in time to run). Ability to debug code, stop at exception and fix on the fly without need of restart, could be really handy
5 replies
Created by ivellapillil on 5/15/2024 in #community-showcase
Online book on Mojo
@ivellapillil I have small suggestion which will greatly improve readability. Some code samples have print statements. It would be great to add to.them output via comments: # output_here
42 replies
Created by ivellapillil on 5/15/2024 in #community-showcase
Online book on Mojo
I also appreciate that! Thanks!
42 replies
Created by NKspartan on 5/14/2024 in #questions
Will mojo support JIT compilation?
JIT compilation could be really useful to handle computations on floats. During compilation, Mojo is using infinite precision, so specifying some runtime code to be jitted could be awesome 🙂
25 replies
Created by Arvin_David on 3/28/2024 in #questions
How to Create a Multi-Type List in Mojo?
@benny For me it throws an error:
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/builtin/_startup.mojo:132:4: error: no viable expansions found
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/builtin/_startup.mojo:132:4: note: call expansion failed - no concrete specializations
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/builtin/_startup.mojo:63:4: note: no viable expansions found
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/builtin/_startup.mojo:78:14: note: call expansion failed - no concrete specializations
/source/prog.mojo:7:4: note: no viable expansions found
fn main():
/source/prog.mojo:9:31: note: call expansion failed - no concrete specializations
var list = List[ListType](6, 3.14, "b")
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/utils/variant.mojo:174:8: note: no viable expansions found
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/utils/variant.mojo:186:25: note: call expansion failed - no concrete specializations
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/utils/variant.mojo:150:8: note: no viable expansions found
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/utils/variant.mojo:153:10: note: constraint failed: not a union element type
mojo: error: failed to run the pass manager
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/builtin/_startup.mojo:132:4: error: no viable expansions found
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/builtin/_startup.mojo:132:4: note: call expansion failed - no concrete specializations
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/builtin/_startup.mojo:63:4: note: no viable expansions found
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/builtin/_startup.mojo:78:14: note: call expansion failed - no concrete specializations
/source/prog.mojo:7:4: note: no viable expansions found
fn main():
/source/prog.mojo:9:31: note: call expansion failed - no concrete specializations
var list = List[ListType](6, 3.14, "b")
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/utils/variant.mojo:174:8: note: no viable expansions found
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/utils/variant.mojo:186:25: note: call expansion failed - no concrete specializations
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/utils/variant.mojo:150:8: note: no viable expansions found
/__w/modular/modular/Kernels/mojo/stdlib/utils/variant.mojo:153:10: note: constraint failed: not a union element type
mojo: error: failed to run the pass manager
25 replies
Created by gryznar on 3/3/2024 in #questions
2 modules to handle paths
The best will be to implement Python stdlib as external library not required in Mojo
9 replies
Created by gryznar on 3/3/2024 in #questions
2 modules to handle paths
But it does not make sense in terms of maintanance, consistency and thin stdlib
9 replies
Created by gryznar on 3/1/2024 in #questions
struct allocation
Thank you @Nick! 🙂
4 replies
Created by AndreiM on 2/22/2024 in #questions
Why the name Mojo?
Mojo in english means magical amulet or super powers. This name was chosen, cause Mojo is aiming to add easily accessible low level control for the programmer (optimizatioms at library level, access to MLIR and so on)
7 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
Names should be unambigous by default. If that requires explaination and diving into docs, it means that sth is wrong
49 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
I agree. Name should conform to its behavior and implementation
49 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
The best will be to rename all members from Vector family and pick name which conforms to all of them. I mean here: DynamicVector, InlinedFixedVector and whole module: vector.mojo
49 replies
Created by sora on 2/14/2024 in #questions
Mojo `Dict` implementation choice
6 replies
Created by graphos on 2/11/2024 in #questions
Char[X] equivalent in Mojo
+1 this will be nice to have char type. But IMHO more general to support non-ascii characters. So maybe like a graphene representation?
11 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
Thank you 🙂
49 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
@Joe Loser so when you are up to adjust names? I reported other issue related to consistency and I really hope that it will be solved sooner than later due to compatibility 😉
49 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
So, you can put it at once xD
49 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
Even more, I remember discussion somewhere, that Tensor is also not valid name for such structure
49 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
For me Array also looks better. Even if it is bikeshedding, proper and consistent identifiers are important and mess here could be painful in future due to cmpatibility
49 replies
Created by sora on 2/10/2024 in #questions
`DynamicVector`, the name
@sora maybe it will be reaspnable to create feature request to keep track this idea?
49 replies