Explore posts from serversNuxt layer plaground EXTREMELY slow
The playground when creating a Nuxt Layer is unacceptable. It literally takes about 4 minutes to "warm up" and show the pages, and every single time you make a change it takes minutes to refresh the page. What is happening??
7 replies
Sharing components between projects using Nuxt 3
What would be the easiest way to acheive this? I own a business making websites for customers in Nuxt 3, and have some components i would like to share with each and every project, together with being able to update the code so that it reflects on all the websites if i update it. I also want some api routes to be shared where it uses the ENV. Is this acheivable? Maybe using a private github repo or something? Thanks in advance.
5 replies
Make `useRoute()` update in layout
Im trying to use useRoute() in a layout, to update my navigations links based on the ´route.params.id´, but the route object does not update when going from page to page. How do i make the layout update the route object?
Any help is greatly appreciated.
15 replies