Lucas de Mello
Widget emit table atualization
The resetTable does not work, because the Widget is separate from the Resource Table, but within this documentation that you send i found the poll() method that causes the table to be consulted from time to time.
Thank you!
4 replies
Custom Widget variable $state doesn't works
Uhmm, I understand, we created the variable within Livewire to maintain the form data, but even when selecting the Element, the variables are not going into the data
The browser console warning:
Livewire: [wire:model="data.user_id"] property does not exist on component: [app.filament.widgets.attendance-search-widget]
Livewire property ['data.student_id'] cannot be found on component:....
I tried to define student_id and user_id into the $data like this:
public ?array $data = [ 'student_id'=> null, 'user_id'=> null ];
the errors and warnings disappear but the livewire doesn't read the values
13 replies