Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
This issue also coming from ckeditor plugin like wiris, crop, etc. I'm using @ckeditor/ckeditor5-core v42.0.0, after while ago I'm running my app again. and I got some problem "ckeditor duplicate module". I open the error what coming from file is, And I check, The plugins using new version, So I pass all my plugins ckeditor to resolutions to keep version. Not just from nuxt side, from nextjs side exact same problem
24 replies
Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
If u are using new version just use that version, The problem is not from vue. The problem is from nitro
24 replies
Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
"What version should I pass"? using exact same with your current version
24 replies
Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
Try it
24 replies
Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
All good, try my solutions this one (if you are using yarn or npm!)
24 replies
Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
What your error message in terminal?
24 replies
Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
you are using pnpm and I tried your solutions not working, but I'm using yarn and I tried this: "resolutions": { "vue": "3.4.31" } it worked also, so i can remove the command cp before. thanks 🙂
24 replies
Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
No description
24 replies
Created by Y@ on 7/26/2024 in #❓・help
[nuxt] [request error] [unhandled] [500] Cannot find module’ vue/server-renderer/index.mjs’ (3.12.2)
- Operating System: Darwin - Node Version: v20.15.1 - Nuxt Version: 3.12.2 - CLI Version: 3.12.0 - Nitro Version: 2.9.7 - Package Manager: yarn@1.22.22 - Builder: - - User Config: devtools, vite, css, modules, imports, routeRules, pwa, app, runtimeConfig, plugins, device, devServer, lodash, experimental, compatibilityDate - Runtime Modules: @pinia/nuxt@0.5.1, @pinia-plugin-persistedstate/nuxt@1.2.0, nuxt-lodash@2.5.3, @vite-pwa/nuxt@0.6.0, @bootstrap-vue-next/nuxt@0.16.6, nuxt-route-meta@5.0.0, @nuxtjs/device@3.1.1, @vueuse/nuxt@10.9.0, floating-vue/nuxt, nuxt-swiper@1.2.2 - Build Modules: -
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