Created by basic-ph on 4/19/2024 in #❓・help
useFetch and lazy option
Data fetching docs ( say:
By default, data fetching composables will wait for the resolution of their asynchronous function before navigating to a new page by using Vue’s Suspense. This feature can be ignored on client-side navigation with the lazy option. In that case, you will have to manually handle loading state using the pending value.
When I use useFetch like this:
const { pending, data: pizza } = useFetch(
lazy: false,
const { pending, data: pizza } = useFetch(
lazy: false,
should I expect a 3 seconds wait before navigation to the page containing this code? I feel like I'm missing some piece of the puzzle here I've created a simple example of this behaviours:
18 replies
Created by basic-ph on 4/13/2023 in #❓・help
500 Infinite redirect in navigation guard
Hello guys, I'm struggling with a global middleware I created to handle some 301 redirects. I've simplified the structure to debug it and I got to this point:

const redirects301 = [
from: "/old",
to: "/",

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
console.log("from", from.path);
console.log("to", to.path);

const match = redirects301.find((item) => item.from == from.path);

if (match) {
console.log("match", match);
return navigateTo(, { redirectCode: 301 });

const redirects301 = [
from: "/old",
to: "/",

export default defineNuxtRouteMiddleware((to, from) => {
console.log("from", from.path);
console.log("to", to.path);

const match = redirects301.find((item) => item.from == from.path);

if (match) {
console.log("match", match);
return navigateTo(, { redirectCode: 301 });
In order to reproduce the issue I followed exactly these steps: - npx nuxi init demo - cd demo - yarn install (Nuxt 3.4.1) - created middleware directory and moved the file to it - created pages directory and added index.vue and about.vue - yarn dev - open the following url in your browser: http://localhost:3000/old => "500 Infinite redirect in navigation guard" Other routes work fine, but when the middleware return navigateTo('something') something goes wrong. Any idea? Am I missing something about the logical working of a middleware?
4 replies
Created by basic-ph on 2/12/2023 in #❓・help
`process.server` and `process.client`
Hello everyone! Disclaimer: Maybe this is a trivial question but I have not been able to find an answer in the documentation or elsewhere on the web. I was wondering where the process.server and process.client syntax used in this example came from:
5 replies