Created by george.x.r on 9/13/2024 in #❓・help
Nuxt Image does not optimize my images
hey guys, does anyone know why nuxt image doesn't optimize my images? I added the module as per documentation and this is my config:
ssr: false,
nitro: {
static: true,
image: {
strapi: {},
format: ["webp", "avif", "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "svg"],
domains: [`${process.env.NUXT_STRAPI_URL}`], // For Strapi-hosted images
provider: "ipx", // For client-side optimization
ssr: false,
nitro: {
static: true,
image: {
strapi: {},
format: ["webp", "avif", "png", "jpeg", "jpg", "svg"],
domains: [`${process.env.NUXT_STRAPI_URL}`], // For Strapi-hosted images
provider: "ipx", // For client-side optimization
class="w-full max-w-[339px] sm:max-w-[500px] md:max-w-[1080px] rounded-t-xl rounded-tr-xl"
class="w-full max-w-[339px] sm:max-w-[500px] md:max-w-[1080px] rounded-t-xl rounded-tr-xl"
getStrapiMedia returns the full url of the requested media (basically it appends the correct url in the value given if necessary. during the nuxt generate --prerender process there aren't any images been generated in the .output folder (optimized images I mean) and the images showing at the user are the same as they are in the CMS. Most images are .svg and they can be 2 MB worth of size which I do not want that. Any clues why they don't get optimized during the generate process?
7 replies
Created by george.x.r on 9/10/2024 in #❓・help
Language Switcher (i18n) does not update components
hello all, did anyone else came across an issue with the language switcher ( not updating the navigation component and the footer component? I have it as part of my navigation bar and when I change the locale it updates it in the main page but not the components. this is the layout's structure. Inside the TheNavigation i have another component that includes the language switcher. <slot/> gets updated but the data in the <TheNavigation/> and <TheFooter/> do not. <template> <div class="relative mx-auto"> <nav> <TheNavigation /> </nav> <main> <slot /> </main> <TheFooter /> </div> </template>
8 replies
Created by george.x.r on 9/6/2024 in #❓・help
Static website with prerendered content
Hello everyone, I have developed a website and I am looking to export it as a fully static site. My goal is to ensure that all content is rendered during the build process. For instance, the text fetched through an API (content hosted in a CMS) should be retrieved and applied at the time of generation. After the site is generated, any future changes in the CMS should not affect the content on the website. I have already set the ssr:false and the nitro:{static:true} but these doesn't look like they are doing what I want. Also for some reason when these 2 are added in my nuxt.config.ts file the development server breaks and I am getting a net::ERR_CONTENT_LENGTH_MISMATCH 200 error in my browser's console. Could anyone provide guidance on the best approach to achieve this? Thank you!
11 replies
Created by george.x.r on 8/1/2024 in #❓・help
ssr calls to api do not work
Hi all, I am trying to get some data from my Stapi CMS through the API but I am getting an error. in my useGetData.ts composable I am making a call to the server/api/get-data. I am getting back a 500 error [GET] "http://localhost:1337/api/hello-world?locale=es-ES&populate=*": <no response> fetch failed. Calling the api from postman works ok. the api key and endpoints are correct. It is worth mentioning that if I change the enpoint from the local CMS to the one on the server everything works ok. Does the server/api have issues when calling APIs that run locally? useGetData.ts
const {data, seo} = await $fetch('/api/strapi/retrieve-data', {
method: 'POST',
body: {locale: iso, collection: collection},
const {data, seo} = await $fetch('/api/strapi/retrieve-data', {
method: 'POST',
body: {locale: iso, collection: collection},
const data = await $fetch(`${strapiURL}/api/${body.collection}`, {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${strapiToken}`
query: {locale: body.locale, populate: '*'}
const data = await $fetch(`${strapiURL}/api/${body.collection}`, {
method: "GET",
headers: {
"Authorization": `Bearer ${strapiToken}`
query: {locale: body.locale, populate: '*'}
4 replies