Created by p1gp3n on 9/12/2023 in #✋|help
Mixed Content error: HTTP vs. HTTPS
No description
45 replies
Created by p1gp3n on 7/6/2023 in #✋|help
Cannot deploy Redux
26 replies
Created by p1gp3n on 5/23/2023 in #✋|help
Deployment failing since Railway incident report
I pushed a very small update to my api project, at the same time as a reported Railway incident. Since then, all my builds are failing, and I can't rollback to a previous build. I wouldn't think the two incidents would be related, but it's a bit strange in that the change was very small so it doesn't seem like a coincidence?
Project: ac828fce-6f54-43e9-825c-ac4871d226ba
65 replies
Created by p1gp3n on 5/19/2023 in #✋|help
Vite + Docker deployments to non-Production (staging) environments
I can build my Vite (React) site locally with Staging Environment configs by using the "vite build --mode staging" in my package.json script. Vite automatically uses 'production' mode with the 'build' command unless you specify otherwise. Since my app is using Docker, I want to specify the build command using a railway.toml file, but it seems build commands are only supported with Nixpacks not Docker (this is the message I get during the build). So my Railway app on Staging is incorrectly built with Prod configs. ProjectID: ac828fce-6f54-43e9-825c-ac4871d226ba
45 replies
Created by p1gp3n on 5/15/2023 in #✋|help
Process killed even after upgrading to Developer plan
13 replies
Created by p1gp3n on 5/11/2023 in #✋|help
Async API not working from Dockerized Streamlit project
ProjectID: ac828fce-6f54-43e9-825c-ac4871d226ba This might be more related to my particular docker installation, but I'm having issues connecting to an async API (deployed as a separate Railway service) from my Dockerized Streamlit app (another Railway service, both in the same project).
I can access the sync services from the docker streamlit service, and I can access the async service with the local (undockerized) Streamlit instance.
This is the error message: ConnectionError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='localhost', port=8000): Any ideas what's wrong? thanks!
11 replies
Created by p1gp3n on 5/11/2023 in #✋|help
Docker + Streamlit not working
I am trying to deploy a Streamlit app with Docker. The image runs fine locally. I let Railway detect the build and run command. Railway indicates the image is deployed successfully, get I cannot access via provided URL.
Project ID: ac828fce-6f54-43e9-825c-ac4871d226ba
68 replies