Usecookie and isr cache conflict
usecookie cookie resets to default after isr cache is refreshed. So i have this code // Cookies
const cookieBannerDismissed = useCookie("cookieBannerDismissed", {
default: () => false,
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // 30 days in seconds
path: "/", // Set the cookie for the root path
const statisticsCookie = useCookie("statisticsEnabled", {
default: () => true,
maxAge: 60 * 60 * 24 * 30, // 30 days in seconds
path: "/", // Set the cookie for the root path
and in nuxtconfig routeRules: {
"/": { isr: 1200 },
"/foodtrucks": { isr: 1200 },
"/foodtrucks/**": { isr: 1200 },
"/zo-werkt-het": { isr: 1200 },
"/over-ons": { isr: 1200 },
"/foodtruck-aanmelden": { isr: 1200 },
"/contact": { isr: 1200 },
}, so my issue is after 1200 seconds over the usecookie resets. So the banner is shown again. How to prevent this? I dont read anything in the docs
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