Created by Wukong on 11/5/2024 in #✋|help
Upgrade Railway postgres v15 to v16
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8 replies
Created by Wukong on 10/30/2024 in #✋|help
501 Not Implemented error
Today, our API service hosted on Railway had 501 Not Implemented error, I believe it's not related to our code, it looks like Railway issue. Can you tell us what happened? Our API is deployed on US West
8 replies
Created by Wukong on 12/12/2023 in #✋|help
Need help with estimating possible service cost on Railway
We made a nodejs application that sends out emails to a lot of users (like 300k - 400k) using sendgrid api. While I'm excited to keep using Railway as hosting platform for our projects, I'm very concerned how much Railway would charge us for possible network bandwidth/RAM/CPU usage. We don't want to end up in situations like Railway charging us $10k (like crazy AWS bills 😄 ).. so if you can help us estimate the possible cost in the scenario like our application. Thanks in advance!
57 replies