Created by todd on 11/19/2023 in #💬│support
API versioning
No description
6 replies
Created by todd on 11/8/2023 in #💬│support
Upgrade to 0.21.0 via images—migrations
Thanks for the new release to everyone involved. There has been other discussions on migrations but mainly this is for a development environment. The release notes seem also to be in that direction. My question is for those of us deploying container images in production environment who don't going poking around with one-off commands. What do we have do in regards to migrations? My assumption is nothing. My presumption would be nothing. Can someone confirm this. Much appreciated!
3 replies
Created by todd on 10/30/2023 in #💬│support
I am now seeing my use case for tenants and wondering about functions that will support it and whether I am on the right track. I can see it would be great if fully implemented. I have an application with Employers and Jobseekers (so two different user groups/apps). They negotiate employment. So I have created a separation based on Organisations: Business and Jobseeker As they negotiate employment, I trigger the jobseeker workflow and add the business as the tenant. Things I would expect in the web UI: * filter activity feed on tenant * test workflow with tenant field In the API: * 'tenant' field in the event looks to be polymorphic between string and {identifier: string}—just plain confusing and have to go to source code to reconcile UI curl versus API documentation * tenant errors when no tenant found—given other 'PUT' like behaviours adding the tenant would be consistent and great * corresponding to UI, I was expecting /notifications to have the tenant dimension—why not, just wondering?
22 replies
Created by todd on 10/26/2023 in #💬│support
I have multi configuration turned on and then provisioned new integrations through the API, I then get the error about not having a primary integration. I would see this a design issue with the API that it does not implement the business rules. I assume these to be that there is always one primary. I have confirmed the business rule by poking the data on the primary field in the integration. The API example SUGGESTS that primary is returned as true 🙂 It looks more like you have to then POST to I can imagine that given this is feature flagged it is evolving, however, this also suggests the need for data migration too (which is the business rule implemented over the data anyway with some decision on a default )
1 replies
Created by todd on 10/26/2023 in #💬│support
IS_TEMPLATE_STORE_ENABLED when enabled looses testing integration
Sorry, I can't find the documentation. Feel free to point to it. When template store is enabled, I can no longer find a way to test the integration. The "disabled"/previous version does the test on "Update". What have I missed? It's a great/necessary feature (although the previous version can be painful for saving)!
1 replies
Created by todd on 10/24/2023 in #🚀│general
Separating out different types of subscribers
I am hoping for some advice on how best to configure Novu. I have an application with two different user groups of subscribers: employers and workers. How best you split these subscribers? By organisation, by tenant, not at or something else? Each user type does have different notification types and in practice they are reported differently—so I am not needing to aggregate against each other. My initial thought is that they each have their own sets of workflows and these are then further separated by organisation which additionally allows me to only expose workflows and feeds to each of the user groups. I don't really understand the tenant use case and whether this would be better. Thanks for advice in advance.
3 replies
Created by todd on 9/28/2023 in #💬│support
S3 (Self-Hosting) bucket policy
Having used the documentation site to look for this answer (by the way, great search approach!), I can't find documentation on the setup of an AWS S3 bucket that includes the entire setup of policies. I can see CORS although that probably be more restrictive in production. I see in the source it looks to require 'public-read' for example. Do you have a recommended production settings?
10 replies
Created by todd on 9/25/2023 in #💬│support
MongoDb (Atlas) database/collections provisioning
With mongodb, I am struggling to see a database/collections. Locally as development docker-compose it is all going transparently. Moving to a production self-hosting, it seems to have all changed (and, yes, NODE_ENV=production). Is the database and collections created on startup? If so which service does this (ie where in the code)? I have provisioned a atlas mongodb, does that make a difference? I am sorry that I haven't worked with mongodb in a few years and out of touch with provisioning and migrations. Links to any internal/external documentation will suffice as well as answers. Thanks in advance.
4 replies
Created by todd on 9/14/2023 in #💬│support
Default layout on email step when created through API
Through the API, when I create a workflow with an email step, the default layout is not set as the layout for that step. More technically, the step returns a _layoutId as null. A look at the source code confirms that behaviour as much as I could tell. Is this what is expected/desired? I have follow thoughts, but just want to confirm that first. A general comment is that the Web client seems to overlay functionality/lifecycle management that I would have thought could/should be in the API. This makes it harder to understand particularly as I am trying to help maintain a client SDK (and looking to build a terraform provider).
10 replies
Created by todd on 8/24/2023 in #💬│support
Package versioning/tagging
Can someone point me toward the versioning of packages in the documentation/source? Am I correct? Looking at the container repository for api Tags are: dev, prod, latest, version (eg 0.18.0) - dev is usually ahead of prod (not always) - prod looks to be always be latest - prod always looks to be ahead of the last version tag - prod is never tagged with a version <-- why?? Also in source, the docker-compose in source is back on 0.17.1.
3 replies
Created by todd on 8/23/2023 in #💬│support
Docker compose (pull)
I am hoping someone could explain why a docker-compose pull fails WHEN I change the images (api, etc) to ':latest'. After doing that the the mongodb and redis pulls fail. eg from docker-compose.yml api: image: '' <-- from 0.18.0 docker-compose pull [+] Pulling 7/8 ✔ ws Pulled
✔ widget Pulled
✔ worker Pulled
✔ embed Pulled
⠦ web Pulling
✘ redis Error
✘ mongodb Error
✔ api Pulled
no matching manifest for linux/arm64/v8 in the manifest list entries
8 replies