Dropdown items Sidebar
check out clusters:
5 replies
Not an error but a question for an issue
Make a filament page in the panel for your custom logic.
4 replies
Grid not applying to Section
Have you tried defining
on the Grid's child fields? Assuming your $grid is equal to 4.
You might also be better off passing an array so you can explicitly set responsive breakpoints & override the 'default'
https://filamentphp.com/docs/3.x/infolists/layout/grid#grid-component5 replies
How to use filament component in front-end of website?
It's not clear how you've configured your layout. There is useful information relating to layout setup here:
Providing more context might help identify your issue
7 replies
How to do a ranking column in filament table that doesn't change?
have you tried this:
6 replies
Reuse wizard on frontend
As it turns out I've just implemented a wizard on a frontend livewire component in my own app. Might be little different than what you're trying to do but essentially I am rendering a filament table on my front-end livewire component and then have a column act as button to open the wizard steps in a modal. Hope this helps
11 replies
Reuse wizard on frontend
You shouldn't need to make a duplicate wizard. Just call the same form method in your livewire component class.
11 replies
filament, liveire full page compnent and larave breeze css issue
I did something similar recently and had a brief issue with styling.
Here is my config:
Addtionally I wasn't using dark styles on my front-end so I also had to remove some dark references in my layout's Alpine. I think filament scans for dark references in order to decide what styles to serve the table in.
`<body class="antialiased"
{{-- removed darkMode: $persist(false),--}}
scrolled: false, mobileOpen: false,
showContact: $persist(false),
viewing: $persist('training'),
filterLevel: $persist('all'),
selectedService: $persist(''),
x-init="window.addEventListener('scroll', () => { scrolled = (window.scrollY > 0) })"
{{--removed :class="{'dark': darkMode === false}"--}}
{{ $slot }}
27 replies
Numeric TextColumn: sortable() not working properly
FYI I tried to replicate this in my app but cannot reproduce the described behaviour.
My test was in the context of a RelationManager
on a field using tinyint unsigned
in the db.
In my test, the table loads with no defaultSort() applied to the table so the UI shows an inactive state (greyed out down arrow) to indicate no active sorting on the sortable() column.
Clicking the column sort once changes to the up arrow in an active state on the column UI and correctly sorts by Asc value.
Second click changes column UI to active down arrow and correctly sorts by Desc values.
A third click cycles the column sorting back to the initial inactive state with no sorting applied and inactive UI sort state.15 replies