Created by david.fejes on 3/13/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
.wasp not recognising disambiguating relations
I have tried to define one-to-many relation between entities User and PurchaseRequest. Here is schema: entity User {=psl /// purchaseRequestsCreated PurchaseRequest[] @relation(name: "createdBy") purchaseRequestsProcessed PurchaseRequest[] @relation(name: "processedBy") psl=} entity PurchaseRequest {=psl /// author User @relation(name: "createdBy", fields: [authorId], references: [id]) authorId Int processedBy User @relation(name: "processedBy", fields: [processedById], references: [id]) processedById Int psl=} I have defined relation name following docs: https://www.prisma.io/docs/orm/prisma-schema/data-model/relations#disambiguating-relations But when i run wasp db migrate-dev i got error from comment. I realized that auto generated schema.prisma in .wasp/out/db does not contain @relation(name). After modifying that file and adding needed relations it works. I can't understand whether I made a mistake in defining the relationships or what is the reason why I can't define relationships within the WASP file so that they are successfully processed?
11 replies
Created by david.fejes on 3/12/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
Object relation doesn't compile to TypeScript
I have an explicit many-to-many relation that I want to display data. After migrating from version 0.11 to version 0.12, I can't find a way to display objects of my entity. Here is my schema: entity Material {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) code String @unique name String count Int measurementUnit String products ProductMaterials[] psl=} entity ProductMaterials {=psl product Product @relation(fields: [productId], references: [id]) productId Int material Material @relation(fields: [materialId], references: [id]) materialId Int materialCount Int measurementUnit String @@id([productId, materialId]) psl=} entity Product {=psl id Int @id @default(autoincrement()) code String @unique name String description String materials ProductMaterials[] productionPlans ProductionPlanProducts[] psl=} When i try to display products for material error occurs: Property 'products' does not exist on type 'GetResult<{ id: number; code: string; name: string; count: number; measurementUnit: string; }, unknown> & {}'. Since I have migrated from an old version of Wasp, in which my code works, I'm curious about what makes the difference that in the previous version, the import from @wasp/entities includes objects of entities, and in the new version, the import from wasp/entities doesn't include them. I have found a previous post and solution which includes creating a new type. Is there any way to include objects with types from prisma/entities?
10 replies
Created by david.fejes on 3/11/2024 in #đŸ™‹questions
After migration flowbite-react is not working
No description
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